27 // Eric Vernon

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"Cora?!" Derek yelled over the bannister of the stairs. He had no reply.

"Cora, are you okay?" Derek asked, wiping the paint on his face with his sleeve. He turned to face his husband who put down the paint roller and made his way downstairs. He saw the 9-month pregnant Cora, fast asleep on their couch, nursing a baby name book.

"She's fine! Just fast asleep!" Stiles practically whispered because Derek would hear either way. Stiles picked up the book, closing it and placing it down on the coffee table. Cora was to give birth at any moment and they still hadn't decided a name for their son or daughter. Nor had they finished painting the room. They decided on white and would then stencil little woodland creatures along the wall, Cora's idea. Since they didn't know the gender, they were painting it any and all colours, not that they'd gender socialise their child anyway.

Stiles picked up the baby name book again, looking at the blue post it notes Cora had made. Allison, Claudia, Erica, Laura, Talia and for the boys she had only one, Vernon. Stiles smiled to himself before putting the book down. It touched his heart that Cora had taken into consideration the names of all the lost members. Stiles wanted Derek to name their possible little girl after Laura, it fitted them both as Laura was the main reason this all happened away, despite the circumstances, she played an important role in their journey. He'd spoken to both Derek and Cora about the older sister and he thought they would have gotten along. Stiles didn't like the name Claudia, maybe as a middle name. He also didn't want to call their child Talia because Cora had Talya.

"Stiles? Are you gonna help me or..?" Stiles rolled his eyes, mumbling back a yes before strolling back up the stairs, when he arrived in the room, Derek had finished the white coat for the second time.

"Werewolf speed never fails." Stiles grinned, Derek placed his hands on Stiles' hips drawing him closer.

"What names are we thinking?" Stiles questioned, Derek was long in thought before Stiles let the word, "Daddy?" slip. Derek's eyes narrowed at Stiles who blushed furiously and coughed as he shuffled.

"You still blush, how cute." Derek laughed, kissing his husband passionately before taking off his messy shirt. "Well I was thinking and I want it to be a meaningful name." Stiles agreed, following the wolf into their bedroom. Stiles still had to get used to the Hale house and how big it was compared to his dad's two bedroomed house. After the Hale house was renovated, the Stilinski-Hale's moved in, Elara chose the room she wanted, Stiles choosing the next, which just so happened to be the similar one to Derek's parents. The three of them then decided to make the newest member next to El. They even had a spare floor, not just a room, a whole floor.

Elara had gone to college in Stanford university with Adam. It was about 6 hours away and Stiles could vividly remember Derek not sleeping due to his concern for his daughter. They were renting an apartment, which Derek had checked it was safe and secure, near the college so they didn't travel much. Derek and Stiles hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks, but she calls everyday and facetimes her dad at least once a week. They'd been relaxing that a little as the baby neared, Elara said she wished she was there but college demands her.

Derek threw on some clean clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the cot as his hands clasped together.

"Can you believe we're having a baby?" Derek suddenly asked, Stiles shook his head even though he was terrified, Derek had done this before, what if Stiles broke it or something?

"No." Stiles breathed, feeling himself smile. Derek looked up at his husband, taking his hand with the ring in his. He kissed each knuckle before pulling the other dad down on him. Stiles closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of his mate's hands rolling all over him. Derek swiftly attached his lips to Stiles' neck, his hands gripping Stiles' bum as he lifted him up so that Stiles was straddling him. Stiles moaned, moving his head to give more access to Derek, who gratefully accepted as he bruised the skin. Stiles hands fisted the material of Derek's shirt, they'd been so busy with the manual labour, they hadn't touched each other like this in a couple of months. Stiles was getting withdrawal symptoms.

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