Chapter 3 Grandmother Love

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When I went to my grandma house it was an escape from everything. I could be myself around her .I could act like a spoil brat. My Grandma would always  tell me to follow my dreams don't let nobody tell you what you can't be . My Grandma was my everything  to me she taught me everything I know.    My Grandmother basically raised all of her Grandchildren . My Grandma was a good women she open her doors to anyone .. Her kids was grown as hell still leaving with their mother. Every weekend my uncles and aunties would get drunk and fight each other like they where people in the streets . My grandmother would always had to break them up when breaking them up sometimes she would get hurt. All I would do is cry and yell grandma get out the way . Then they would disrespect her so bad till the point she would cry sometimes. When I was 11 years old my grandmother was diagnosed with stomach cancer she would never tell nobody she was sick until it was to late when she reached  stage four cancer. 
Flashback :
  On Saturday August 15,2009 my grandmother cooked all of her children and grandchildren a dinner. That night we laughed talk and enjoy ourselves not knowing that was our last night with my grandmother The next day August 16,2009 three days before my 12 birthday my Grandmother was pronounced died.
End of flash back
When my grandma died I blame god for it because he took her from me when I need her the most.  I was always depressed and cried myself to sleep every night till this day I still cry. I hated god for so long.
I didn't even get go to my Grandmother funeral because. my Auntie said I didn't need to see her like that. It still hurts me that I didn't go to her funeral. Till this day I still blame my Aunties and Uncles for my Grandmother death. I feel like they stressed her out and that's how got sick .
Jamie grandmother in the media

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