Chapter46 monique relaspe.

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Every since I found out I had cancer. I start back smoking my crack. I figure I'm dying anyway. I change my life around and this shit hit me. Right know I don't care about anyone but my crack. I'm in another world.

I decide to go
See my mother today. I just couldn't take being around Cam any longer . He just get on my nerves. I ain't really spent time with her since I found out she had cancer. I hope she beat this shit. I walk in the house the door was already unlock.

Jamie : what the fuck you doing
Monique: what's it look like
Jamie: so this is what you do when u get bad news you relapse.
Monique: you don't know how I feel he'll you don't even know how I feel. This shit hurts knowing that your dying and there's nothing you can do about
Jamie: so you gone smoke yo self to death
Monique: yes I have nothing to live for
Jamie: what you mean you have nothing to live for you got me Dj.
Monique: your right I'm so sorry it's just since I got the news I been down. I didn't have no one else to run to.
Jamie; despite everything we been thru I still love you and I'm here for you. You just have to let me be there for you. I promise you will pull they this all we got to do is pray about. God wouldn't put people thru things that can get thru. They always come out strong.

Seeing my mother cry really made me cry. I never seen her so down like this. This really hurt. But with me helping her pay for her chemo she come out strong.
Jamie: let's go
Monique;where we going
Jamie: we getting away from here

After I left I drove my mother Dj,and I to the coast. We all needed a break we are all going thru something. I want her to know that I'm always here for her.

Im glad Jamie came and got me I really needed to clear my head it was so much going on in there. I'm glad to get away it's just me and my children.

I wonder where the hell Jamie not answer her phone i been calling her ass all day. I'm worried bout her but at the same time she got me fuck up. That bitch going straight to voicemail.

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