Chapter30 Graduation Day

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3 days later it was Graduation Day . I was valedictorian of my class and Keisha was salutatorian of the class.  I got up and gave my speech then Keisha. After graduation ,we went  out to eat with my family and Keisha's family. We enjoyed ourselves.

Later that night Keisha and I went to some graduation parties.  They were off the chain. We dance all night and drunk a little.
There were two man that kept watching Keisha and I, but we  didn't pay them any attention .

After the party was over we head towards my car. We walked down the alley to my car. Only to be snatched up by two men. We tried our hardest to fight but our licks didn't faze them. We were in the back of the van.

Later that night we arrive to an abandoned building. The two men took us out of the truck and  inside the house.  Listen to the man talk he was going to put Keisha and Jamie into prostitution.

Jamie  notice a familiar voice that she remember. She thought it was her dad. She quickly pushed the thought back.

Then man came and Jamie was right it was her dad.
Jamie: dad
Victor: who are you I don't know you
Jamie.:I'm your daughter
Victor.:No your not I don't know you
Jamie :do you remember a Monique
Victory turned  around and hugged Jamie  she didn't know whether she wanted to hug him or slap the fuck out of him. Jamie was just in a daze.

Victor:did these man touch you
Jamie: no could you just let us go
Victor:yes I would let y'all go.

Before letting them go Victor talk to Jamie and gave him his number.

Jamie was undecided should she call him or not. Jamie  wanted to know what was his excuse to leaving her behind with Monique.
Jamie was deep into her thoughts as Keisha start talking to her.

Keisha: I can't believe that was your father
Jamie: me either
Keisha: how do you feel
Jamie:I don't know what to feel I'm undecided whether I should talk to him or not
Keisha: go  head and talk to him and get closer. You need to her his side. He might had a good reason for leaving
Jamie :your right
Keisha :I'm always right
Jamie :whatever

Keisha turn the radio on and started sing to Rihanna you needed me. Jamie just laugh at her best friend. Pulling into Keisha's yard she got out the car and headed inside. Jamie pulled off and headed home.

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