Part 18 Dj's 2nd Birthday

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Dj' 2nd birthday was coming I had nothing plan. Mrs Harrington said she was going to throw him a party and invite all of his day care friends over. We started planning his birthday. We decide we were going to have him a Mickey Mouse party.  The party would be Saturday. That mean we have only two days to plan. Mr Harrington said I already got it. Its been plan since u were staying here .Aww  thanks you Mrs Harrington Jamie said. Anything for y'all.  You know I love y'all like y'all are my own. We love you to Mrs.Harrington .

Today is Saturday Dj's 2nd   birthday I got Dj and I  shirts made with Mickey Mouse on them. Dj was enjoying hisself  he had to much fun. We juju on the beat nae & whip .  Then it was time to cut Dj's  cake we sing happy birthday while he smiled from ear to ear.  Then we open presents. I bought Dj a Mercedes car ,shoes and clothes a bracket with his and my initials on it. Mrs . Harrington & Mr .Harrington bout him a swing  , trampoline,more toys ,and a little jeep. He was so happy about all the gifs he received . 

Then we heard  a knock at the door.  I went to open the door only to be faced with Monique. I look at her and said what are you doing here.
Monique :to see my son
Jamie: Like the hell you are. What u need to do is get yo cracked head ass out of here that's what u gone do. You  haven't saw Dj in a year he don't even know you . and now you trying to come see him. The hell with that what u need is get the hell out of here.
Monique: Jamie I just won't to see my son it's his birthday.
Jamie: you will not see him every again you made your choice you picked drugs over us.

I went back inside and slammed the door. Mrs Harrington : Jamie who was that at the door 
Jamie: um they had the wrong house.
Then I went up stairs in my room.
Dj's party in the media

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