Chapter 8

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It was a Saturday Jamie got up cooked and cleaned and she just chilled at the house with Dj . They watch all the home alone movies and ate snacks. Later that night Jamie put Dj to sleep. Monique came home drunk again with another man. Jamie was in her bed sound a sleep when her mothers boyfriend bust in on her and started touching and kissing on her. Jamie tried to fight him off but couldn't because he was stronger than her she gave up and just laid there . When he left out her room she ran to Dj's room and got dj and put him in the bed with her .

The next morning I woke up & call Keisha and told everything that happened she was in shock. She told me to pack a bag that me & dj could come stay with her a few days

I could barely sleep I woke up thinking he would come for me again. I cried myself back to sleep. Woke up the next morning did my daily hygiene got Dj ready. We headed out the door. I made it to school and just stayed to myself . In class I was sitting in my desk on my phone when this boy name Ronnie came up to me ask for my # I Decline him. Ronnie said u got to be so mean and decline a nigga. I said cause ion need a nigga like you. Then Ronnie said fuck you bx I just wanted to smash anyway. I said to my self what a dick . Me & Keisha was sitting in the cafeteria talking and laughing when Ronnie walked by he just stared at me I flipped him off. Keisha said is something going on between y'all to I looked at her & said hell no ...

A few days passed I decide to go home I open the door monquie was sitting on the couch sleep . I walked by and laid Dj down. I decide to do some of my homework .After that I cooked for me and Dj. We ate and I played with him . That night Monique came home drunk ass hell with another man. That's when I knew it was bound to happen again and it did. Every night I was getting raped by the same man it was a hurt feeling. When your mom was addicted to drugs and prostituting for drugs and money. I was so use to getting rape so much till the point it didn't bother me. It was to much just to deal with at 16 years old . There were times were me & Dj would just starve because we had nothing to eat . Every dime that Monique got she spent it on drugs and alcohol. I really wish my Grandmother was here. I would have to deal with this bullshit. I had to take full responsibility for Dj and pick up the slack around the house . I'm the only person that Dj knows. He doesn't even like Monique. Every time she tried to touch him he would just holler to the top of his lungs.
I'm only 16 and take responsibility I haven't even lived my life yet.

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