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I was just being released from the hospital.
I got a taxi cab to drop me off. After the night I told my wife what happen she didn't even come back.  I got dropped of in front of the house. I went inside and seen my wife happy ass fuck. She didn't even bring the Jamie situation up.

Mr Harrington : babe could you run me some water.
Mrs: Harrington: while yes hunny
Mrs Harrington went up stairs  and ran the water. She had a plan  on how she was going to get Mr Harrington back.  She called Mr. Harrington up  and he took his clothes off and got in the tub.  She plug the radio up and start talking to him before you knew it she dropped the radio in the tub. She left the house and didn't even care was he ok or not. She was going to go look for Jamie and Dj.

After I searched all day I couldn't find them I cried.   I went and got myself a room  and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning  I woke and called Jamie phone no answer. I left a voice mail.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I saw that Mrs Harrington was calling me but I didn't answer. I listen to the voicemail she left. It said Jamie I know everything that happen please come back home.  I think I killed him.  I picked up the phone and called Mrs Harrington. We talked for an hour. I was waiting on her to meet me in Baton Rouge so we can go across the boarder.

2hours later I met up Mrs Harrington.  We went back to the room she told me what all had happen. I hugged her and thank her. 

Mr Harrington
I can't believe my wife  of 14 years would try to kill. I was there for her through anything  I can't believe. I sat on the couch all day and drunk my beer and chilled.

We got up and packed  and headed towards the boarder. 13 hours into our driving we were pulled over by the police for speeding . She ask for my licenses and registration.
Jamie: I'm scared
Mrs Harrington: don't be we're going to be ok .
Jamie: if you say so
Mrs Harrington: he's not going to do anything

The officer walk back to the car and ask Jamie to step out. Mam you're under rest for the attempted murder of John Harrington.
Jamie just cried as the police took her away
Dj was in the back seat beating on the window crying for Jamie .Mrs Harrington got inside the driver seat and followed them to the police station

They  finally made it to the police station. Jamie was took to the back  for questioning.

Deactivate: why did you shoot Mr Harrington
Jamie: because he raped me
Deactivate: starting writing down Jamie statement .
Jamie  had to spend the night in jail. The next morning she was released on a bond. 

I was laying on the couch watching tv. When I heard a knock at the door . I open the door only to be faced with the police.  John Harrington your under arrest for the rape of Jamie Jackson

He was taken down to the police station &booked. They question  him. They told him that she was lying it was a made up story.

The next day they where sitting in court. Jamie had to get on the stand and tell what happened.
She told her story. Mr Harrington got and started screaming the bitch is lying. She should be the one in these handcuffs not me. For got sake this bitch shot me in my back.
Judge order in my court.
Jamie: did u die no. I just wanted you to feel my pain and you did.

Mr: Harrington was sentenced to 10years in jail. Jamie was so happen when she got the news.
Her life was back to normal. She didn't have to live in fear .

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