Chapter 11 the break down

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I hate to go home I hate this for Dj .I got tired of getting rapped by Monique boyfriend .  She just sit there and let me get raped with her crack head ass . I call Keisha & talked on the phone with her we talked all about our business. It was another night Monique boyfriend raped me. She basically sold me for drugs she would let all type of me raped me.  My innocence was taking from me. I never had a chance to give it up bc it was taking from me . I cry myself to sleep asking god why me,why it had to be me.  Then next morning I woke up and went straight to Dj room to check ok him he was sound to sleep .  I went back to my room and went to just to wake up to a man on top of me all I could do was cry. I cried I scream for help . Monique all she did was just stand in the door and watched. She even cracked a smile . This the worst life ever.. 

Later on that day I had to go to work I call Keisha ask could she baby sit Dj but she couldn't. So I had to leave him here with Monique. I kiss dj good bye and head to work. I had to ride the bus to work.  At work we were so busy I didn't get off til 12. I left and caught the bus home . I got off the bus and head down the street to the house. As I was walking on the porch I heard screaming and crying I opened the door just to see Monique beat the hell out Dj. He was screaming help me stop it. I quickly ran and jump on Monique back we started fighting .She pulled me off her she stomped in my head and stomach .I got back up and hit her with a right then a left . I busted her lip I got on top of her and start beating the hell out of her until Dj started pulling on me and yelling stop it. I got up and picked up and took him to my room . All I could is cry I look at the bruises Monique had left on Dj's body. I hugged and told him everything will be ok just give me time and we are going to get the hell out of here. I gave Dj a bath fed him and put him to sleep. Dj slept in the bed with me .

Later that night I woke up in a depressed trying to kill myself because of my lifestyle .I tied a rope to the ceiling and grab a chair but when I was about to jump my grandmother came to me.
Grandmother Jamie get down don't do this to yourself if you leave who is going to look at Dj. You are the closes and only thing he got. Baby I promise you your life is going to get better. Just pray about it. Jamie stop crying over me and let me rest baby. I'm in a better place know. Just give it sometime you would be fine . Before I go I just won't to tell you I love and take care of Dj finish school and go college. Let Mrs.Harrington help u get away for your mom .
All I could do was cry as I looked at Dj laying in my bed.  I got in the bed and cuddle next to Dj I kissed his for head and whispered is ear I love you little brother.

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