Chapter 12

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Every since my grandmother came to me I look at life a little different. I learn how to forgive god and pray about things. I even start going to church with Keisha's mom. Half of the time me and dj stayed at Keisha's .

Later that day I returned home. I walked in the house just seeing Monique laying out on the floor cold not moving. I rush over to her and felt for a pulse. She had a pulse I called 911 they came and took her to the hospital.  I was told to wait in the waiting room. Hour and hours pasted I haven't heard anything about Monique.  I called Keisha and let her know I was at the hospital with Monique. A hour later Keisha came with her mother. I look at Dj and just burst out crying. I look at him and said you don't deserve this life  you deserve so much   than I can give. 
Finally the doctor walked to lobby family of Monique Jackson we all stoop up. Well Monique is going be perfectly fine we had to pump the drugs out of her system. Well can we see her.  We all walk in and start talking to her. She was talking and acting like she had since. This is the mother i knew and love. When she's on drugs she a whole different person. Even Dj went  and  talk to her in baby language.  Well it's getting late and I have to get Dj home we will back tomorrow.

I left the hospital.  Ms Tonya drop us off at home I put Dj in my bed I  kiss him good night.  I clean around the house. It smell just like alcohol  and smoke. This is no place for us to live ..

The next morning I woke did my daily hygiene got Dj ready. We were off to see Monique. We made it to the hospital doctor told us Monique is getting released today .

A month later was back doing what she normally do. Drugs ,alcohol , and prostitution . This didn't make any since thinking that  she would change to fact that she almost died if I would never found her.

Regina hall as Keisha mom Tonya in the media

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