Part 20

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I woke up the next morning went downstairs and started talking to Mrs.Harrington. I notice that she has been crying. I ask what's wrong.
Mrs .Harrington baby to day is the day
Jamie what day
Mrs Harrington: this is the day I lost my baby
Jamie :you had kids
Mrs Harrington yes I was pregnant I lost my baby it was stillborn
Jamie sorry to hear that
Mrs Harrington just broke down crying this is my first time seeing her cry like that. I got up hugged and held her telling her it's going to be ok. God got you. Your baby wouldn't want to see you crying he's in a better place. After she finished crying we had a talk
Mrs Harrington: Jamie I might not be able to have any kids that's why I treat you and Dj as mine. I always want to have a baby of my own but couldn't.
Jamie Its going to be ok don't listen to the doctors they don't know what they are talking about . Only god has the last say so.

After our talk we went to get some groceries. Then we came back to the house and cooked . We sat down ate talked and laugh. That's when Dj called Mrs Harrington ma ma. We all look and laughed.
Jamie say it again
Dj ma ma
Seeing the glow in Mrs . Harrington's face when Dj called her ma ma made me happy. Then I got jealous and I called her mom. I went up stairs to get the gifts I bought for Mrs . Harrington. I gave it to her she was so happy. It was a picture that her ,Dj and I took together at Dj's birthday party it had family on it. Then I gave her her favorite flowers roses. Then Dj gave her a picture he drew of me ,Mr&Mrs Harrington. She was so happy that she start crying. While she was crying she made Dj cry then me. We are such big cry babies
Dj : oup hug
We all laughed and hug each-other .
Jamie: dj you mean group hug

Mr & Mrs Harrington baby in the media

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