Part 22 Jamie's 18 birthday

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My 18 birthday and senior was coming up in August . I had nothing planned. All I wanted to do was spend my birthday with my best friend and family. That's all I planned to do .
Mrs Harrington ask me what I had plan nothing. What would you want to do.
Jamie ; nothin just chill.

We went back to school on my birthday so you know I had to slay. I wore a white rhinestone pretty dress with my hair bone straight. I was so pretty .

I went down stairs ate my breakfast and left for school.
When I got to school I met up with Keisha she gave me my gifts I thanked her for them. As the day went by I was just was think what my life would of been like if I would never met Mr and Mrs Harrington. I was loving my life . It was like I was living in a fairytale

When school was over I got a text from Mrs Harrington. Telling me that I would have to go to Keisha's house. She also said she had a girls day plan for me. When I got to Keisha's we headed towards the spa I got my hair and nails done.

When we left we head toward my house. I put my key and turnt the lock. When the door open everybody yelled surprise. Dj ran up to me and hugged me happy birthday sista I luv you . I kissed his forehead. Mrs. Harrington came up to me with a cake they sung happy birthday to me. I made a wish and blew the candles out. After that I broke down crying.
Mrs: Harrington :What's wrong
Jamie :nothing.
Mr Harrington : just give her some time
Jamie: thank you Mr and Mrs Harrington for everything you done for me and Dj . I never had nobody to do the things y'all do for me.
Mr. Harrington hold your horse we got one more surprise for you . Follow me outside

I went out and saw a Benz with a red bow tied on it. I jump up and down screaming for me. You shouldn't have.

My day was over. I went in my room took a bath and just was so happy about my gifs that I got .

Jamie outfit in the media

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