Chapter31 meeting up with Victor

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The next morning I woke up. I start thinking about what happened last night. I couldn't believe I came face to face with my father. I always said if I ever saw him I would go the hell off on him but I didn't. I was just in shock.
A hour past I decided to call him but I hesitated at first . I though he was going to answer but he did. I told him to meet me in 30 minutes at IHOP.

30 minutes later Jamie pulled up at IHOP and went in. She saw her father sitting at a table waiting on her.
Jamie: let's just get right to it why did you leave.
in her
Victor :Baby left your life because I was got into a lot of trouble. It was very dangerous for you and your mother. I was so into the drug game. I kill a lot of people and they were coming for me ,so I left and never came. I didn't want to put you and your mother in danger. Don't get me wrong I thought about you everyday. I just couldn't reach out to that's how dangerous it was.

I thought u gave up on and didn't gaf about me .Did you know what I went thru the past 18 years without u being in my life .I was raped every single night and taking advantage of all because she wanted some damn crack. Then I was beating because she said I was an image of you. I had to take responsibility for Dj.I drop of school then I went back. You just don't what I been thru so don't sit her and tell me you understand when you don't you fucking ass whole. Then Jamie just ran out of IHOP with tears running down her face .
I got up and ran behind Jamie.
Jamie I can't fix what you been thru in the past I can only be here for you in the future. I promise to never leave you. We hugged and kissed. I had no idea what my baby girl went thru this. I was suppose to be there for her. I was suppose to be there to protect her I failed as a parent. I really did , from this day forward it's all about my baby girl .

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