the one when they were young

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She chased him along the forest floor, laughter filling the air. 

He held the pastel pink rabbit doll in his hands as he ran 

"ジョージ、それを取り戻す!" ( George, give it back! ) she screamed, giggling spilling from her lips along with the rushed breaths she took, caused by the exertion.

"あなたは私を捕まえなければならない、エミ!" ( You have to catch me, Emi! ) he replied, only glancing back at her for a second, his smile as wide as it could ever be.

These times in the forest were their favorite.

They were the times where everything was simple, and they could have endless hours of fun; as many as the sun would let them before it went down.

The best friends felt the wind whip through their hair, and latch around their bodies as they cut through it.

With her stamina running low, George stopped to look back at her.

As he gazed back at the girl who wasn't much younger than him, his foot caught on a loose tree root, causing the boy to launch forward, dropping the rabbit with a soft thud.

"Joji!" she called out, finally catching up and dropping to her knees next to him.

She was fast to grab onto his arm, helping him sit up.

There was a small dirt smudge on his cheekbone, and a small scrape on his knee.

Though it stung, and he was still winded from the fall, as the young girl looked at him, her hand gently on his elbow as she asked, "大丈夫ですか?" ( Are you okay? ) he couldn't help but smile even wider then before.

He ran a hand through his short hair and replied, "Yeah, I'm okay, Emi."

Her short, messy black hair moved slightly in the wind, and she brought a pastel sleeve covered hand to her mouth as she glanced down at his injured knee.

"あなたは出血しています..." ( You're bleeding... ) She mumbled from behind the sleeve.

George let out a happy chuckle, "I know, its fine." he replied.

"But -"

"Emi," He interrupted the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder. "いいんだ." ( It's okay. ) He breathed.

She nodded, still worried, even about the smallest of injuries.

That was just the type of girl that Emi was.

Reckless but caring. Those were words to describe Joji Miller.

Nevertheless, the two children cared for one another deeply, and Joji knew that he would do anything to protect Emi.

George took a deep breath in, and looked around at the forest.


Green, and... delicate.

George noted the trees and life around them to be those two things.

The pair sat there for a few minutes, catching their breaths and resting.

Out of the corner of his eye, George spotted something pastel and pink.

He turned around, grabbing the fallen rabbit.

He dusted it off, but noticed that some of the dirt had seeped deeper into the fabric of the rabbit then he could brush off.

"I'm sorry, Emi. I got your rabbit dirty."

She shook her head violently. "It's okay, Joji."

"Are you sure?" he asked, eyeing her carefully.

"Mhm," she nodded vigorously, and George laughed at her small movements.

He brought a hand up and ruffled her hair, to which she closed her eyes tightly and tilted her head.

When he took his hand away, she opened her eyes and smiled brightly at him.

As he looked at her, he couldn't help but notice a change in his chest. His heart felt warmer, and he felt something that he couldn't quite distinguish.

"Come on then," he began. "あなたを家に連れて行こう." ( Let's get you home. )

He grabbed her small, delicate hand through the sweater that was slightly too big for her, as she dragged the rabbit along side her, and he began to guide them home.

Of course, the pair were too young to grasp the concept of love, but it was there within them, in full, living, breathing color.



Yoo! So here is a cute little thing that I'm gonna start working on that I hope you all enjoy ~ 

I want to dedicate this first chapter to @hellajoji because I l o v e  t h e m xx 

and also to @ghxstlyxterrors for putting up with me and helping me concoct the character of Emi xx 

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