the one where things are kind of okay

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Haru get's a running start into the hotel room, jumping as high as she can onto the large, white, fluffy bed. 

She giggles and rolls around, sighing happily. 

Emi and Sota stand at the door, sharing a laugh as they watch her. 

While Haru is preoccupied, Sota glances at Emi. 

"You alright?" he asks. 

Emi looks at him for a moment, before switching her gaze back to her crazy friend. 

"I'm alright."

He keeps his gaze on her for a moment longer.

"So soft!" Haru shouts.

"I wanna feel!" Emi shouts, jogging over and jumping onto the bed, joining her friend.

"I'm leaving my spare room key here. Let's all get some rest and regroup in an hour?" Sota says aloud.

The girls look up at him, nodding.

He chuckles as he closes the door.


"It's been an hour, hasn't it?" Haru asks, spacing off as she looks out the balcony door.

Emi rolls her head to the side, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"I think so."

"Why do I feel so tired?" She asks.

"Jetlag." Emi responds , rolling onto her side as she wraps her arms around a pillow, imagining it was the pastel rabbit she cared about so much.

Haru tilts her head to the side, eyebrows furrowing.

"What time is it back home?"

She glances at Emi.

Emi shrugs, letting her eyes flutter shut again.

Haru looks off in the distance once more.

"コーヒー。"  ( Coffee. ) She utters softly. 

Haru stares off for a few seconds more before stretching, and finally standing up. 

"Emi," she calls to her friend.

Emi only hums in response. 

"Let's go wake up Sota! He should have been up by now!" She says, walking over to Emi and shaking her shoulder. 

"Okay, okay..." Emi lets out, rubbing her eyes. 

Emi watches as Haru skips over to Sota's room key, picking it up with both hands and smiling as she lets out light laughter. 

Emi wonders how she can go from so tired, to so content in a matter of moments. 

She sits up, grabbing her phone and turning on the screen. 

There was a text from Joji. 

She turned off her phone screen. 

Taking a deep breath, Emi spoke. 

"Let's go wake up Sota."

Haru skipped down the halls, Emi following close behind. 

Reaching his door, Haru wasted no time unlocking it and peeping inside. 

As both girls entered the room, they were greeted by the sight of Sota, sound asleep in his bed, the sheet bunched up in his arms, hugged tightly to his chest.

The girls both smiled softly as they gazed upon the sleeping man.

It wasn't long after they'd stepped into the room that he began to shuffle around, slowly waking from his slumber.

He stretched, lulling his head to the side and catching a glimpse of the girls through his hair lidded eyes.

"Ah," he breathed. "You scared me."

He smiled softly.

The girls chuckled softly, shaking their heads at the soft, warm boy.  

"Let's go get coffee!" Haru said, stepping forward and tugging on Sota's sleeve .

He nodded, softly rubbing his eye like a tired child.

In that moment, her phone rang.

She pulled it out, glancing at the caller ID in confusion, until she saw her mom's name.

"I'll step out first!" She declared, floating off to the door and excitedly answering her mother's phone call.

Sota sighed, letting himself melt comfortably into the soft mattress.

Emi smiled, sitting down with her back facing him as she also closed her eyes for a brief moment of rest.

Sota watched her still frame.

Her face when George had shown up.

When they were in the car.

A history that he could never understand racing through her eyes as she looked at him...

Something twinged in his heart.

He sat up, leaning forward and pressed himself towards her back, resting his face against her shoulder.

She froze, eyes opening.

He sighed in content, wishing for this moment to stay as it was.

But the moment ended, Haru opening the door, Sota sitting up and stretching.

Emi glanced at Sofa, who didn't quite meet her gaze.

Soon after, he got up, going to the restroom before the three Japanese individuals embarked on their small adventure through a large city.

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