the one where they venture further than before

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They both had backpacks on.

It had been a while since those talks from their mothers, and the two friends were even closer now than they had been, if that were possible.

The silent, unspoken love stuck the two together like magnets and left anyone wondering one single thing... What were they waiting for?

No one really knew, and even the teens themselves didn't know.

They hiked along the forest floor, venturing further than before, to a lake that they knew of.

It was a nice hot day in Japan, hot enough for a nice swim.

The teens had backpacks on, with spare clothing, towels and snacks to share later when they got hungry.

Both of the kids also had their bento boxes, full of food that they'd agreed to make for each other as a surprise for when lunch time came around.

This day was truly theirs.

As they came close to the tree, whose protruding root was popping up now more than ever from the ground, Joji stepped past Emi.

As he did this, his hand brushed hers, that was peaking out from underneath the sleeve of her light, sky blue jacket.

She smiled to herself, and Joji did the same as he took her hand gently in his, lacing their fingers slowly together like a carefully woven basket.

He helped her over the root, and she loosened her grip when she had made it over, only to find Joji still walking with his hand firmly attached to hers.

She glanced over at his ebony hair that draped down his forehead in those soft waves that she loved to touch, and noticed how casual and calm he looked.

She Joji glanced over, smiling at her and she smiled back, returning the gentle tightness of her grip.

Out of the corner of her eye she would peak at his collar bones, which were just barely peaked out from his black V neck that fit him all too well.

They continued the trek to the lake, and once they'd finally reached it, they set their things down in a place where they could see them, and George stripped his shirt off, and took off his shoes, tossing them down on his bag.

Emi watched with the hem of her shirt in her hands.

She watched him as he smiled, his eyes wide as he ran down the dock and jumped into the water.

Emi grabbed her polaroid camera and ran to the end of the dock, snapping a photo without warning.

She had shaken out the photo and looked at it to see Joji still under the water, but his arm was up above the surface, with his middle finger sticking up.

"George!" she yelled and laughed as he came back up.

"What?" he asked, sounding slightly out of breath as he swam towards the dock.

"Did you know that I was going to take a photo of something?" she asked, giggling.

He shrugged the best he could in the water.

She laughed, beginning her trek back down the dock and back to her bag as Joji swam in the water along side her.

When she reached her bag, she placed the device and the photo safely into her bag.

Plastic Taste { Joji a.u. }Where stories live. Discover now