the one where she's scared

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She was running through the forest.

Her breath was fast, and rough as she pumped her legs as fast as she could.

"Emi!" He screamed, running after her as worry and anxiety raked his body.

Thoughts ran rampid through her head, clouding as she rushed along the forest floor.

"ストップ!" ( Stop! ) he shouted, his voice hoarse and breathy from exertion.

She reached the tree root that both of the kids had tripped on many times in the past, and she stopped.

Instead of tripping over the root and launching forward, she dropped to her hands and knees, looking down at the ground as she heaved in breaths.

He caught up to her, dropping to his knees, before propping himself against the tree, ready to move if she began running again.

"Emi..." He called softly to the frozen girl.

He looked up at the sky.

It was dark, and the clouds were ominous and full of rain.

He looked back to her.

"Emi," he began, moving towards her. "どうぞ." ( Please. ) he let out.

He was confused as to why his friend was so upset.

"その荒廃しました." ( It's ruined. ) she whispered, beginning to shake lightly.

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