the one where ... (pt.1)

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It had been so long. 

Not a lot of contact had been made between the two. 

She didn't harbor any ill will towards him. 

How could she? 

She knew that she had every right to. 

But, she just couldn't. 

In the months that followed, she began living for herself. 

She didn't rely on that small internet connection with him, anymore. 

It was difficult, but she would take deep breaths, and push it out of her mind. 

She was doing well. 

Walking along the streets of Japan, she breathed new air into her lungs. 

All around her, people walking so fast...






It was all so beautiful to her again. 

She smiled. 

Walking along the downtown streets, she smiled as she walked past the pop up stores. 

The ones on the street, full of merchandise from the Korean bands that were reaching across Asia, and quickly moving down the road to other countries. 

Every now and again, she would stop, smiling as she touched one of the tote bags that had one of the bands on it. 

"とてもハンサムな..." ( So handsome... ) She'd say quietly, before letting her grip on it loosen as she walked away.

She was headed towards her school.

They were offering lessons over the break for the students who wanted to get a head start before classes started back up next year.

They weren't mandatory, but Emi was determined to do well in the next few years.

Her major had to do with art and writing.

Something that she had decided one day while sitting under the sakura tree that Tomoko had laid under all those years ago.

As she gazed across the street at the cafe, she'd also decided to minor in business management.

Just as she had decided, a sakura flower floated delicately into her lap.

She held it softly, moving so she was on her knees, facing the tree before bowing gently.

She placed a hand on the tree and a soft gust of wind swept the flower away.

Continuing her walk to the campus, just as she was reaching the gate, she witnessed a boy slipping on a puddle of water.

He dropped his books.

Emi's lips parted slightly before she pressed them tightly together.

She held onto her own book a little tighter, jogging up to the boy and sticking a hand out to him.

He rubbed the back of his head, a slight pained expression on his face.

This was quickly replaced with a curious and confused look when he noticed Emi's hand.

"Ah..." He gasped slightly before grabbing her hand.

She helped him up.

As he dusted himself off, she brushed off the books and stacked them neatly before handing them to him.

He was very, very tall.

He had dark hair, that covered his forehead, and came down his neck in the back.

Dark eyes.

A bright smile.

"ありがとう" ( Thanks. ) He said.

"心配ない。" ( No worries. ) She responded, smiling back.

He looked down at her. Not down on her.

"私は福島です。" ( I'm Sota Fukushi. ) He said, sticking out his hand for her to shake.

She took it and shook it strongly.

"Emi." She smiled, flicking her head to the side slightly to get the hair out of her face.

Sota smiled.

" 私を助けてくれてありがとう。" ( Thank you for helping me up. ) He said.

"Don't worry about it." She said.

He raised an eyebrow, his smile growing slightly wider.

"You speak English?"


"That's cool."

"Thank you, but it cant be that cool. You speak it, too."

He nodded.

"You're right." he said, laughing.

"I just moved to this town..." he began.

"Where is the art building?"

"I'm actually headed there right now. I'll show you." Emi said, pointing in the direction she was headed.

"Thank you so much." he said.

She shook her head, beginning to walk.

The slightly clumsy boy followed after her.

He was grateful to have met someone nice, someone who could be his friend.

So was she.

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