the one where they meet again

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The pair stood in line at the coffee shop. 

Emi couldn't help but look around and feel a little home sick. 

She missed the cafe back in Japan. 

She missed the tree across the street. Seeing it every day, the warmth it brought to her heart. 

She missed quiet mornings. 

While this cafe was lovely, it was bustling with life, so busy, so frantic. 

It wasn't bad, just very different from what she experienced in her little shop. 


Her attention snapped back to the man standing beside her. 


"You know what you want?" 

"Oh," she froze for a second, realizing that she hadn't been paying attention to searching for something to drink. 

"Tea. Just tea." Emi said. 

"Alright, I'll uh-" He paused, looking around. "I'll order, find a table?" he finished. 

Emi nodded, turning away from him to scan the building for open seats. 

She found two seats at a little bar in front of a window. 

Emi claimed those two seats, setting her hand onto the other seat to show that it was taken. 

As she continued glancing around the cafe, she noticed a few people staring at her. 

She would make eye contact, politely nod and look away. 

Some looked at her funny, some looked confused. 

It didn't take long for Joji to come back with their orders, sliding quietly into the seat next to her. 

"So," he began. 

"So?" Emi asked, gently taking the cup of tea in between her hands to feel its warmth. 

"I don't have anything crazy planned, but... I was thinking of taking you to the park? There's always so much going on here, there's plenty of stuff to look at. We can go into some shops, too." 

His tone sounded so casual. 

Emi couldn't help but find it nice that the usual air of awkwardness wasn't so prominent. 

"That sounds lovely." 

He nodded. 

"So?" he repeats. 

"So?" she repeats, slightly confused. 

"How are you? How've you been? What's- How are you feeling out here?" he asks, taking a sip of his own drink. 

"Ah," she sets her tea down. "It's... Nice out here. Different... But nice. It's so loud compared to back home. Messier, kind of." she pauses to think. 

"I don't mind it. I do miss home already, though." she lets out a light chuckle. 

"Haru is really excited to be out here, though." 

Joji tilts his head in slight confusion. 

"Haru, that's-?" 

"Ah, yeah, she's one of the people that came out here with me. Her and Sota." 

Plastic Taste { Joji a.u. }Where stories live. Discover now