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The next day, it was time once again for school for the Topp Dogg members. All the guys were scrambling around to look their best, especially Hansol. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at his newly dyed hair, running his finger through it and remembering what B-Joo said.

"I know men don't like being called this... but I think you're beautiful." The voice continued to replay in Hansol's head. He blushed and watched his face turn cherry red in the mirror, but shook his head and tried to shake the thoughts from his mind.

He didn't mean it like that, right? No, of course not. Probably just because they were really good friends, and B-Joo probably had too much soju.

Hansol turned around to watch a tired B-Joo walk out of his room slowly and collapse onto the couch with a loud groan. he buried his face in the fluffy pillow and sighed.

"Joo, you need to get ready." B-Joo groaned, his face still shoved in the pillow.

"I'm sick." He mumbled so quietly hansol could barely hear the words escape his lips.

"Come on Hansol!" P-Goon and Yano shouted from the door. Hansol glanced to the couch and then to the door, a sympathetic look on his face.

"It's okay, I think I'm going to stay with B-Joo today." Hansol said, making B-Joo look up from the pillow and smile weakly.

"You sure, hyung?" Nakta asked.

"Yeah. Tell them I'm sick, too." The guys nodded from the door, waved their goodbyes, and left. Hansol automatically went to the kitchen and started making B-Joo soup.

"What are you doing?" B-Joo asked.

"I'm making you soup. Now go lay back down. We can watch movies and play Mario kart later, okay?" B-Joo nodded and went back to the couch.

Hansol worked in the kitchen for fifteen minutes heating leftover soup and adding his own spices. He brought a bowl to B-Joo and sat next to him on the couch. He rested his head in Hansol's lap and began to drift off to sleep, with Hansol still stroking his hair and eating the rest of his soup. He turned on the TV.

After about an hour, B-Joo woke up and started to feel a little bit better. Hansol would tell jokes and made him laugh, to distract him from him being sick. They watched K-Dramas and ate food and competitively played Mario kart for the rest of the day. By the time the guys got home from school, B-Joo felt much better than earlier. They were sitting on the couch watching American movies when everyone else walked in.

"B-Joo ah, do you feel better?" Yano asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Hansol made me soup." Hansol smiled, proud that B-Joo was showing him off.

"Great. You guys want to go out to dinner?" Seogoong asked.

"Why is food always on your mind?" P-Goon chuckled. "And why don't we just stay here, and watch a movie? We don't want B-Joo to be sick before debut."

"He's right, Seo." A-Tom said. "Why don't we just order pizza and watch a movie?"

"Good idea. As long as there's food involved, I'm in."

"That's my new life quote." B-Joo chuckled from the couch.

"Now, let's eat." Seogoong said.

After they ordered the pizza, they argued for about an hour on whether they had ordered the right type from the right store or not. They all sat on the living room floor and started watching Brokeback Mountain. (Hansol's recommendation.)

They decided not to get subtitles and try to understand what they were saying.


"We nerd and cool." Jenissi said. "Nerd and cool, nerd and cool."

"Nerd and cool man!" About thirty minutes into the movie, they got bored and sort of began doing their own thing.

Hansol was on his phone, and little did he know Kidoh was looking over his shoulder. He was scrolling through B-Joo's Instagram.

Kidoh snatched the phone. He and Yano, P-Goon, and the others started tossing Hansol's phone back and forth, making fun of his height.

"Stop!" Hansol shouted, reaching for his phone.

"What are you looking at Hansol?" The others yelled.

"Stop, guys! Please give it back!" Hansol yelled, tears coming to his eyes. Finally, after five minutes of teasing for his height, Hansol ran to his room.

"Really, guys?" B-Joo said, agitated. "First with the drawing, now this?" B-Joo said, feeling the folded drawing of him in his pocket. He had taken it out of the trash can of his dorm and kept it.

"We're sorry, I thought we were just having fun!" A-Tom said.

"You guys did take it a bit too far." P- Goon replied.

B-Joo rushed into Hansol's room and sat on the bed next to him. His face was jammed into his sheets and B-Joo could hear the soft sobs.

"It's okay, Hannie." B-Joo whispered, laying next to him. Hansol laid his head on B-Joo's chest and B-Joo wrapped his arm around Hansol's shoulder.

"I know, I just get really embarrassed. Remember when we filmed the challenge on TD project and I cried?"


"I'm just sensitive, is all. Don't worry about it." Hansol said.

"I'm not worried about it, I'm worried about you." B-Joo said. He turned off the tv.

They laid in silence for a few minutes.

"I know you don't sleep, Hansol." B-Joo whispered bluntly.


"You think I can't hear your tv? Or when you get up to get a snack? It sounds like an earthquake, Hannie. The first time you made all that noise going down the stairs I thought I was going to die." Hansol laughed and wiped off his tears.

"Why don't you sleep?" B-Joo asked, running his fingers through Hansol's newly died hair.

"I really can't sleep that easily. I think too much. My mind, it just, won't let me."

"Well, I want you to sleep now." B-Joo said.

"But, Byungjoo-"

"Just go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Promise?" Hansol asked, looking up at B-Joo's brown eyes.

"Promise." A long pause.

"You know, Hansol..." B-Joo said. "I really like you."

But by then Hansol was already in a deep sleep.

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