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B-Joo woke up, a constant beeping sound disturbing his slumber

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B-Joo woke up, a constant beeping sound disturbing his slumber. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, but he knew that he wasn't at the beach house. He felt a sharp pain in his left foot, and as he tried to move it, he felt the texture of a fabric bandage on it.

He groggily blinked. Once. Twice, adjusting himself to the harsh lights that were above him. He looked around and quickly realized he was in a hospital. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't have enough strength to do so. He slammed his head back onto the pillow, ready to fall asleep again, when:

"B-Joo!" He heard a familiar voice shout. He opened his eyes once more and smiled when he saw his boyfriend standing up and rushing to his side of the bed.

"Hansollie." He mumbled, causing a look of pure joy and relief from the hyung. B-Joo took his soft hands in Hansol's, squeezing his fingers tightly. Hansol bent down and brushed B-Joo's hair aside from his eyes as B-Joo noticed just how worried he looked.

His blue hair was messily draped down across his forehead, almost covering his light brown eyes. He had red circles under them, so B-Joo could tell he had been crying for awhile. Hansol's hand was trembling as he held it, so he rubbed his thumb against Hansol to calm him down.

Hansol laughed, looking down at their connecting wrist tattoos. "B-Joo, I-" he let a tear slide down his cheek. "I thought you weren't going to wake up."

B-Joo smiled, and then looked around nervously. "How long have I been out?" He asked, wincing as a sharp pain grew in his ankle.

"Two days. They did the surgery to remove the glass, and now they just have to keep you here for another few days, and then you'll be out." Hansol and B-Joo smiled.

The nurse walked in and smiled. "You're awake." She whispered, placing an ice pack on his forehead and setting down a tray of food, leaving the room.

"Where are the others?" B-Joo asked, glancing around the room. No one else was there. He saw Hansol had a makeshift bed set up on one of the chairs, with a pile of clothes being used as his pillow.

"They left earlier. They come everyday for lunch and then leave to do their own thing." B-Joo frowned.

"Why haven't you left?" He asked, nudging his head in the direction of Hansol's "bed."

"Because I love you."

*Flashback to when B-Joo cut his knee*

"B-Joo?" Hansol screamed as the young one passed out in his arms. "B-Joo?"

The ambulance came not soon after, and the driver encouraged the other members to ride in a separate vehicle to the hospital.

"But sir." Hansol pleaded, taking deep breaths in between sobs. "He's my boyfriend, and I-"

"If you don't want to get in the way of his care," the man said, slamming the ambulance door. "You'll ride in a separate car."

Hansol collapsed onto the ground, clutching his chest and sobbing loudly. The other members were tearing up, too, looks of sympathy growing amongst them.

Nakta walked over and picked Hansol up, bridal style, and carried him into the car. Gohn began speeding down the highway, all the while Hansol was crying in the back of the car. Soon after, he cried himself to sleep in Yano's arms, suffering terrible nightmares.

He woke up as they pulled into the hospital parking lot, running inside. He rushed to the front desk. "Kim Byungjoo?" He questioned, gulping, and expecting the worst.

"Sir, he's in room 409, but he's about to go into surgery-" Hansol raced up the stairs. He came to a stop at the top of them, glancing around as to find out where to go next.

The other members were close behind him. They caught up to him at the top of the staircase. They saw a look of pure horror pass over Hansol's face as he noticed B-Joo being rolled into the operating room.

"No!" Hansol shouted, trying to run after his boyfriend. He was hooked up to several different IVs. He didn't look like B-Joo. He looked like a dead body.

Seogoong had to wrap his arms around Hansol's waist and pulled him back. The other members began crying, now, but not like Hansol. He collapsed into Seogoong's arms and cried like that for a while.

"They can't take him..." he whispered, breathless. The members all walked to the waiting room, taking their seats. Hansol was getting stared at by the patients, since he was a crying mess. But the thing is, he didn't care. All he cared about at the time was Byungjoo.

"B-Joo-" he mumbled, pulling out the butterfly drawing he had kept for so long. "What am I going to do without you?"

*End of flashback*

"Because I love you." Hansol said.

He giggled. B-Joo fell asleep soon after, exhausted. He was curled into the fetal position, wrapped in blankets. It was 2 a.m.

Hansol made sure to keep quiet and he snuck in bed next to B-Joo, wrapping the young one in his arms. To his surprise, B-Joo was still awake, and turned around so his head was pressed against Hansol's chest.

He could hear his heart beat.

And for some reason, he loved that feeling.


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