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"Merry Christmas!" Yano and Xero shouted, waking every member in the dorm

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"Merry Christmas!" Yano and Xero shouted, waking every member in the dorm. Hansol lifted his head from B-Joo's chest and yawned. He glanced  at Yano, who was clinging together a set of frying pans, even though they rarely cooked.

"It's Christmas Eve." He said, looking at a still-sleeping B-Joo. "Shh!" He said. "Joo's still sleeping!"

Yano nodded and quietly backed out of the room, accidentally dropping the frying pans and causing a rupture of noise.

"Damnit Yano! Go!" Hansol whisper screamed. He looked at B-Joo, who was curled into the fetal position under the thick blankets. Hansol slid back under the blankets and wrapped his arm around B-Joo.

It had been two weeks since the nights of the concert, when B-Joo asked if Hansol would be his boyfriend. Hansol, of course, gladly said yes.

The other members were very happy about this, especially A-Tom, since they had all been secretly shipping them for years.

"Hansol?" B-Joo mumbled, his face jammed into the pillow.

"Yeah?" Hansol asked, looking at the young one's makeup free face.

"What time is it?"

"Early. You can go back to sleep if you want." He said sweetly.

"No, it's fine. It's almost Christmas, anyway." Hansol nodded and they both got out of bed. Once again, Hansol put on makeup and nice clothes, and B-Joo stayed bare faced, with messy hair, boxers, and no shirt. Hansol turned on the radio and a slow song began to play.

"May I have this dance, Mr. Byungjoo?" He questioned, grabbing B-Joo's hand.

"Yes, you may, Mr. Hansol." They began twirling around the room, chuckling and enjoying themselves. The song ended, but they continued to dance, until they noticed A-Tom recording them from their closet.

"What the hell? A-Tom!" B-Joo laughed at A-Tom, who was now embarrassed from being caught.

"Uh... Oh..." He sprinted out of the room, leaving the couple laughing to themselves.

Later that day, the group was all assigned jobs for their Christmas party. Gohn, Jenissi, and A-Tom were in charge of putting ornaments on the tree. Seogoong, Kidoh, and P-Goon were to run to the store and buy wrapping paper, Jenissi, Nakta, and Yano were in charge of decorating the house with mistletoe and decorations, Sangdo and Xero were in charge of putting lights on the house, and Hansol and B-Joo were in charge of cooking and baking.

The members all split to do their individual jobs, including the couple, who went directly to the kitchen to gather supplies.

"We need to make the cookies first." B-Joo said, intently looking at a recipe book.

"Then why are you looking at a page for brownies, Joo?" Hansol questioned, laughing.

"Oh, right..." he turned the page until he found the recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They took out the packet of batter, mixed it with eggs and oil, and then stirred it until it was well mixed.

About 4 hours later, the members were doing the usual: yelling and playing Mario kart on the couches and bean bags that filled up their living room.

"B-Joo," Hansol whispered quietly. "Walk with me?" B-Joo nodded, confused, and followed Hansol out the door when the members were distracted.

"I know you didn't just pass me, P-Goon! I'll kill you and your family!" A-Tom yelled.

Hansol and B-Joo stepped outside into the cool night air.

"Where are we going, Hansol. I'm not really one for these surprise trips." B-Joo complained, holding Hansol's hand and strolling along the sidewalk.

"You liked when we went to the lake, right?"

"I guess so." They arrived at a huge carnival, covered in Christmas decorations and twinkling lights. B-Joo's jaw dropped.

"Wow." He said softly, squeezing the other's hand and looking around. It wasn't very crowded, but it was 10 p.m. Christmas Eve, so they didn't expect it to be.

"So, what do you want to-" Hansol began.

"Let's go on this ride!" A gleeful B-Joo shouted. After two hours of dragging Hansol around on all of the rides he wanted to go on, they sat down on a park bench and ate the slices of pizza they had gotten.

"Oh my god!" B-Joo said, almost spitting out the mouthful of crust he had in his mouth.

"What?" Hansol asked, worried.

"It's Christmas!" B-Joo said, giddily clapping his hands together. Hansol glanced to his watch. 1 a.m. Christmas morning.

"I guess you're right... I, uh, got you something." Hansol pulled out a box from his backpack. It was full of yogurt drinks and chocolate. B-Joo's face lit up when he opened the box.

"Thank you so much, Hannie." B-Joo smiled and hugged him. "I also got you something."

He gave Hansol a price of sketch paper. It was a drawing of a butterfly, with the words "Be With You" written at the top in cursive. Hansol felt himself tear up.

"B-Joo, I can't thank you enough. But now my gift, it seems like nothing compared to yours."

"Hannie, don't cry. I love your gift. There's nothing I'd rather be doing right now then drinking yogurt drinks and eating chocolate with my boyfriend." Hansol smiled and B-Joo wiped off his tears.

Picture is the drawing, accept the drawing has "Be with you" written across the top

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Picture is the drawing, accept the drawing has "Be with you" written across the top.

They walked home slowly, savoring every moment they had together. Out of nowhere, B-Joo grabbed Hansol by the shoulders and pushed him up against some random car. They were there, kissing, experiencing that same feeling that no one was in the world but them, for five minutes.

Hansol wrapped his hands around B-Joo's shoulders and pulled him closer. Even closer than he was before.

"Hey! Who's on my car?" An old man shouted, running out of his front porch ship. B-Joo and Hansol grabbed each other's hand and rushed towards the dorms.

"Merry Christmas, Hansol."

"Merry Christmas, Joo."

They found a package on their doorstep. It was a bunch of Christmas tree sketches, pictures, and a few small gifts.

B-Joo read the note that came with it:

Dear Hansol and B-Joo,

Your show was amazing last month. I speak for everyone when I say it was one of the best you'd ever preformed.

From America,

Have a merry Hanjoo Christmas!!!

"Hanjoo?" Hansol said. "Is that supposed to be both of our names, together?"

"It has a nice ring to it. I like it." B-Joo said.

"Agreed." Hansol said, giving B-Joo a kiss on the nose.

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