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"Happy birthday Hansol!" B-Joo shouted as he tapped the other's forehead to wake him up

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"Happy birthday Hansol!" B-Joo shouted as he tapped the other's forehead to wake him up. Hansol was about to yell at whoever woke him up, but then realized it was B-Joo and smiled.

"Morning." Hansol said in a gruff morning voice. B-Joo kissed the tip of his nose, something he loved doing.

"How does it feel? To be eighteen?" B-Joo questioned. He was only sixteen at the time, two years younger than his boyfriend.

"The same. How about you?" Hansol said, poking the middle of his forehead.

"Me?" B-Joo rolled over and laid next to Hansol, snuggling up to him.

"Yeah, you. How does it feel to have an eighteen year old boyfriend?"

"The same. I'm just glad I have a boyfriend." They chuckled, and laid there in Hansol's bed for a bit. Ten minutes later, the other members burst in the door.

"Happy birthday!" P-Goon shouted. A-Tom was right behind him, holding his camera, as usual.

"Smile!" He said. Yano darted over to the bed and blew a streamer in Hansol's face. Jenissi and Xero were holding hands at the entrance to the room, blowing up balloons.

"I wish it was my birthday." Hojoon said.

Sangdo and Nakta were signing his birthday card at the last minute, yelling at each other. Kidoh was smiling sweetly, along with Gohn, who was looking down from the top bunk and throwing ribbons at them.

Seogoong, as expected, was holding the cake, which already had a slice taken out of it. He wiped the chocolate frosting from his lip and nervously smiled.

"Wow, thanks guys." Hansol said sarcastically. "This has to be the best birthday ever. I have a half eaten cake, Seogoong. And a stalker, A-Tom." The ashamed guys glared at their feet.

"I'm just kidding!" Hansol said, laughing. "Thanks for going to all this trouble."

They got up and had Hansol's favorite breakfast, pancakes and chocolate cake, and then they decided to go shopping.

They made it to the local mall, and each agreed to give Hansol twenty dollars to spend. So he had 260 dollars. They walked around the mall for hours, most of them impatient at how long it took Hansol to buy what he wanted. B-Joo wasn't impatient, however, and would often carry Hansol on his back and give him opinions on what he had tried on.

In the end, he had bought a sweatshirt, two snap backs, a pack of hair dye, a butterfly jacket, and a pack of chocolate. He also bought B-Joo a Mickey Mouse hoodie, since he loved Disney channel. B-Joo hugged Hansol and showered him with kisses and thanks.

"A-Tom I can see your camera." B-Joo mumbled into Hansol's shoulder as they hugged. A startled A-Tom shoved the camera back in his pocket.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

As they left the mall, B-Joo led Hansol to his car, rather than Nakta's, which is where Hansol planned to ride home.

"Where are we going?" Hansol said as B-Joo dragged him along in the parking lot.

"I have one more gift for you." They drove for about half an hour and arrived at a tattoo parlor.

"B-Joo... I don't want a tattoo, I'm sorry." Hansol said apologetically.

"Do you trust me?" B-Joo asked, looking him straight in the eye.

"Well, yes, but-"

"Then be quiet and let's go. I'm just as nervous as you are, trust me." They walked through the door, which made a jingling sound as they stepped in. They were greeted by a short woman.

She had long black hair down to her waist, green contacts, and several facial peircings. She also had several tattoos on her arms and ankles.

"Hello, boys. What can I do for you?" She asked in a light voice, stepping out from behind the register. The shop was mostly empty, except for many posters on the walls sketch books, and a long, dentist like chair.

"We would like to get couples tattoos." B-Joo said calmly. Hansol's eyes widened.

"What would you like for the design to be?" She questioned, pulling out a sketch pad. B-Joo shook his head and handed her a piece of paper.

"Please don't show him what it is." He added, pointing to Hansol. She nodded and went to the back room to pull out another chair.

"Who's going first?"

B-Joo already had his tattoo finished, sure to hide it from Hansol. Hansol had peaked in the early stages of the tattoo, though, and while he couldn't tell what it was, he knew it was on B-Joo's wrist.

"Owwww." Hansol complained as the needle hit his skin. It was an hour into his tattoo, which was also on his wrist. B-Joo had an ice pack pressed against his, making sure to cover it.

"How long till it's over?" Hansol asked, jamming his face into the chair.

"Almost done. Just have to add the y in daddy." The tattoo artist said.

"WHAT?" Hansol screamed.

"Relax." She said, laughing. "I was joking. And it shouldn't be too long, I'm almost finished." B-Joo peaked over the tattoo artist's shoulder and smiled. It was going exactly as planned.

"B-Joo..." Hansol said, reaching for his glass of water. "This is my birthday present? This hurts like shit."

"Just trust me, Hannie. The pain will be worth it in the end." B-Joo said, a bit sad his boyfriend was in pain. He sat on a chair next to him and began to stroke his hair, which calmed him down a bit.

"Can you at least tell me what it is?" He complained.

"No. You'll see soon."

About two hours later, the tattoo was finally done. B-Joo led Hansol o the full length mirror, ripping off the bandage to both of their tattoos. Hansol had his eyes covered.

"Hold my hand." B-Joo said. Hansol nodded and grabbed the young one's soft, trembling hands.

"Now look." Hansol glanced into the mirror and gasped.

On their wrists, they both had one purple wing, so when they held hands, it became a butterfly.

//I think I've been slacking because in this amount of time I couldn't written like three chapters. I'm thinking this book will have like 30 and the next one, probably the same or a bit less. Is that ok???

Anyway, my late Christmas gift, a sweatshirt for B-Joo came in the mail today. 10/10 excited.

Also special thanks to KyooGamer1  and buttercup1900  cos you guys read like all my stuff and comment and that's pretty lit. 

So, question: who's your Topp Dogg bias and why?

And if you could change one thing about Topp Dogg what would it be?

My answers:

My bias is B-Joo because he is loud and adorable, and like a little excited puppy. He got so excited when they said they were going to the convenience store. Plus he has abs, and such a sweet personality. I personally think he's one of the greatest kpop dancers.

If I could change one thing about Topp Dogg it would be that all the members would come back.

For the last time, merry christmas..\\

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