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Kim Hansol laid in his pink-sheeted bed in silence, picking a piece of loose skin on his thumb and staring at his pastel blue ceilings. Gazing around in a half awake state, he sort of realized everything about his room was pastel. Of course, all the members respectively had their own style, and his, obviously, was pastel.

The purple dresser, blue vanity mirror, green carpeting, the yellow TV stand, the pink bathroom door. They were all pastel. They didn't quite go together, but they all complimented each other in a way he deemed fit for his room. Sure, it was weird, but Hansol considered himself a bit weird, too, so he didn't worry about it.

It was just like any other day, that calm tuesday morning, but the fellow members of Topp Dogg would not let Hansol get up until it was six o' clock. They knew he always woke up early in the morning, before the sun had risen high enough for him to see it from his window, but the one thing they never knew about Hansol was that he had serious sleep issues. In fact, he never really slept.

Now, this sounds like an extreme exaggeration. Yes, he did "sleep" but it was only once every two or three days, and it was never more than an hour or so long. Even if it was, he would always toss and turn and never quite shut his eyes. He usually had dark circles under them, but always covered them up with foundation so the other members wouldn't worry. Especially B-Joo. He would never want him to worry.

Hansol stared at his alarm clock. 5:59 it blinked. the sky was tinted with shades of pinks and hues of purple, signaling the upcoming sunrise. He rolled over and checked his notifications on his phone. On Instagram, he had several, and spent the rest of the minute reading over comments.

To his relief, it was 6:00. He quickly jumped out of his bed and threw the sheets back onto it. It was messy, but he rarely made his bed unless P-Goon or Jenissi complained about it too much.

Hansol jumped in the shower and washed his hair with strawberry shampoo, letting the cool water lurch him fully awake. He then dried himself with a fluffy towel and combed his short black hair until it framed his face perfectly. He rushed downstairs and into the kitchen, to find A-Tom and B-Joo making breakfast.

"B-Joo ah!" Hansol said excitedly, giving B-Joo a small back hug. He rested his head back onto Hansol's shoulder and then nudged him away with his elbow.

"Hi, hyung." The young one replied, pouring circles of pancake batter into a skillet. "I'm making your favorite."

"Pancakes?" B-Joo nodded. he poured the syrup into a blue mug with a faded logo on the front he couldn't seem to recognize.

"It was my idea." A-Tom mumbled from across the kitchen, slicing strawberries, his eyebrows knitting together in playful anger.

"Hey, it's the thought that counts." B-Joo complained, tossing a pinch of flower at the maknae cheekily.

"But I thought of it." A-Tom retorted quickly.

Hansol smiled at their bickering. "Should I wake everyone up?"

After he got the rest of the 10 members up, he rested on the couch with Xero and Jenissi and watched B-Joo cook. He observed his features, fiddling with the sleeves of his long sweater and smiling. he didn't think anything was obvious until Jenissi pointed it out.

"Why are you staring at B-Joo, Hansol?" Jenissi loudly questioned, loud enough to startle B-Joo from the kitchen. Xero raised his eyebrows prevertedly and winked at Jenissi.

"Oh, is someone staring?" Xero said. B-Joo's face blushed red from the kitchen. He awkwardly smiled and went back to cooking. He flipped the pancake and scraped a burnt sliver off of the pan.

"No! I just want my pancakes!" Hansol whined childishly. 

"Give them a second, Hannie! Do you want them fast or delicious?" B-Joo asked. He slid three of them onto a plate and sighed, wiping a thin layer of sweat from his forehead.

"You guys are like an old married couple." Nakta said, wiping his eyes and walking into the room from his own bedroom. He brushed his black hair back and swung his head side to side, straightening it out.

"Shut up." B-Joo said. Nakta chuckled, and so did all the others, including Hansol. Hansol's was a bit of a nervous chuckle, but still a laugh.

After they had breakfast, the members got ready for their first day of school. Even though they were idols, they wanted to set a good example and go to school while still recording music.

They all crammed themselves in the van, and soon after, they had arrived at their high school. Hansol's first class, along with B-Joo and Yano, was Math. They had assigned seats, but were all relatively close to each other. Most of the class was spent with Hansol sketching in his notebook, Yano making stupid jokes and trying to speak English, and B-Joo tapping his pen on the desk annoyingly.

Hansol didn't realize what he was drawing at first, or at all up until he had added the last strand of hair. He glanced at the big piece of sketch paper and realized he had drawn B-Joo. Now that he thought about it, he realized he thought a lot about B-Joo lately.

He especially thought that was strange, since they had been best friends forever and he had never thought about B-Joo that much.

Hansol hurried to stuff the drawing in his backpack, but suddenly Yano saw it and snatched it from his hands.

"Is this supposed to be B-Joo?" Yano questioned loudly, catching B-Joo's attention. He looked up from his pen tapping and blushed at the sight of the drawing. Hansol was now bright red, and felt as though he might burst into tears right there in the classroom.

Hansol waited patiently for another fifteen minutes until the bell rang. When it did, he practically jumped out of his seat and ran into the halls, too embarrassed to turn back.

"You're such an idiot!" B-Joo yelled at Yano, snatching the drawing and cramming it into his pocket.

"I didn't mean to hurt-" Yano began, but by then, B-Joo was already running into the hallways after Hansol.

B-Joo started thinking about what to say to Hansol, to make him feel better. He wanted to say something that would reveal his feelings for the older without being straightforward.

"Hansol!" B-Joo yelled. The older one turned around in the hall, tears prickling in the corners of his eyes and threatening to spill down his rosy cheeks.


Now's the time, Byungjoo. He thought to himself. Tell him how you feel. Say something meaningful.

"I-I-" B-Joo stuttered.

"Yes?" Hansol asked, wiping his face.

Forget it. B-Joo thought.

"I liked the drawing, hyung." B-Joo mumbled, embarrassed.

"Oh, uh... yeah. thanks."

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