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Almost ten minutes later Sage got a feeling of absolute danger. Someone was in danger. She closed her eyes and focused for a moment, "K-2, I'll be back," she said, running out the door and into the rain.

She soon came to a fork in the path, one went down to a ladder leading all the way up to the lab. The other went up towards a ridge higher up than the lab. She followed the path upwards and soon came to a very narrow path with a very far drop below it. A wet and slippery, narrow path. 

Across it she could see Bodhi slowly making his way across, barely making it without slipping. Bodhi and Sage's eyes connected and he took a step, his foot losing traction and falling falling off the edge. Sage quickly reached her hand out and closed her eyes, not wanting to watch. She heard silence and opened her eyes to see Bodhi floating completely in the middle of the air, she let out a breathful laugh as he reach his hand out to her and their fingers interlocked.

She pulled him up and he stumbled against her, pressing her against the rock behind her since there was little room on the path. Both of them were soaked, and not to mention, in a hurry so Sage paid no attention to how close they were as she moved out from between him and the rock and started making her way back to the ship, Bodhi following closely behind.

Once they made it to the ship Bodhi and Sage began packing up the important stuff. K-2SO had managed to get communications back up. "Uh-oh," he said causing Sage and Bodhi to stop in their tracks. K-2SO then pressed a few buttons and started speaking, "Captain- Cassian, Cassian can you hear me?"

"I'm here, you got it working?" Cassian replied back causing Sage and Bodhi to keep packing things up.

"Affirmative, yes, but we have a problem. There's an alliance squadron approaching, clear the are-"

"No! no, no no!" Cassian yelled into the comlink, "tell them to hold off! Jyn's on that platform!"

Sage began packing faster, as did Bodhi, as K-2SO began communicating with the Alliance, trying to get them to delay the attack.

"Kay, Kay!" Sage said as he kept speaking into the communications. K-2SO turned towards Sage as she spoke, "It's too late, they're already here, we need to leave."

They heard the sound of the X-wings flying overhead about ten seconds later. Bodhi stared at Sage with awe of her talents. Bodhi handed K-2SO a few boxes to carry as they made their way out into the rain. Sage could feel some horrible things happening from the lab, thankfully it was mostly Empire members who were being killed. 

They soon watched as the X-wings left overhead as they ran to the shuttle depot ahead of them. Sage could feel Jyn's father dying, an underlying sadness had taken over the head, like a stench that was coming from the lab. It caused Sage to slow down as they made it onto a landing platform, an imperial ship in sight. 

Sage walked slowly to the imperial ship that Bodhi had broken into. He was about to take off when he realized that Sage wasn't there yet. He ran back to the ramp and grabbed Sage's hand, pulling her up into the back of the ship. "Go, K-2!" He yelled to the top floor.

He sat Sage down as quickly as he could, "what's wrong?"

Sage only shook her head, wiping the rain off of her face. She looked up at Bodhi who's hair was completely shambled all over his face. "When all this is over I'm gonna give you a haircut."

Bodhi smiled slightly but it faded fast when he realized he was stuck in this mission. He was stuck in the Rebel Alliance now. His plans to just deliver the message to Saw and go live on a faraway planet had been destroyed. He didn't mind much, though, since Sage was the reason he would probably end up staying for years after the mission.

"Deal," he said as he then proceeded to leave awkwardly. He went up to the pilot's seats on the level higher up and flew towards Chirrut, Baze, Cassian, Jade and Jyn.

The back door was open causing Sage to quickly stand up and grab onto a handle on the ceiling, watching out for the rest of the group. Bodhi and K-2 shot down some stormtroopers who were about to attack them and turned the ship around. Sage was thankful to see everyone alive, but was sad to see no Galen.

They all jumped into the ship and they shut the door, leaving the planet in a hurry. There was an awkward silence as the lights went on, Cassian slammed his blaster onto the wall and angrily took his gloves up, sticking them into a compartment on the wall.

Jyn and Chirrut stared at each other for a moment before Jyn turned around to the back of the ship, where Cassian was taking off his soaking wet gear.

Jyn approached him quickly causing Sage to move closer to them, feeling the anger that Jyn had. "You lied to me," she told Cassian.

Cassian looked towards her, "You're in shock," he disregarded her.

"You went up there to kill my father," Jyn said as Cassian took off his big, puffy, blue jacket.

Cassian turned towards her and shook his head, "You don't know what you're talking about."

Jyn tilted her head, "Deny it?"

Cassian shoved his jacket into a compartment on the ship, "You're in shock and you're looking for some place to put it. I've seen it before."

Sage clenched her teeth at the disregard he was treating Jyn with. Jyn fired back without hesitation, "I bet you have," she moved closer, "they know! You lied about why we came here and you lied about why you went up alone."

Jade had gotten sick of the arguing and went down to the bottom level to get sleep. The old days of her being able to go days without sleep had ended, she was getting old, and with old age comes tiredness.

Cassian sighed, "I had every chance to pull the trigger, but did I?" The room went silent and Cassian turned towards Baze and Chirrut, "Did I?!" he repeated, raising his voice.

Jyn looked at him with utter disbelief, "Might as well, my father was living proof and you put him at risk. Those were Alliance bombs that killed him."

Cassian leaned closer to her, madness driving him, "I had orders, orders that I disobeyed," he scoffed, "but you wouldn't understand."

Cassian leaned away as she spoke, "Orders? When you know they're wrong?" They looked at each other for a moment. "You might as well be a stormtrooper," she began walking away.

Sage thought deeply about this. Thinking back on her time with Cassian he did seem like he was on autopilot most of the time. He did have his happy moments but Sage couldn't recall ever seeing him genuinely happy. He didn't have anything to fight for, he was doing things automatically because of the idea that he thinks anything done for the rebellion is what is the right thing.

Cassian stormed a few steps towards her, "What do you know?" Cassian caught Jyn's attention, she turned towards him, "We don't all have the luxury to decide when and where we get to care about something." Cassian scoffed again, "Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you," he moved closer, "some of us live it. I've been in this fight since I was six years old." Cassian shook his head, his eyes not leaving Jyn, "You are not the only one who lost everything," his voice got quieter, "some of us just decided to do something about it."

Jyn shook her head once more, everything became calm, "you can't talk your way around this."

Cassian began to move past her, her body turned where he walked. He leaned closer to her, their faces inches apart as everybody watched, "I don't have to," he said.

Bodhi had made his way down when he heard arguing halfway through and was now making himself busy on the communications system, trying to patch through to the rebellion. 

Cassian walked over to the ladder and turned towards Bodhi, "Yavin IV, make sure they know were in a stolen imperial ship."

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