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8 BBY (2 years after the last chapter)~

Jade had been rather excited to arrive home from the rebellion on this day. Mainly because after the rebellion sent her to speak with Saw before him and his men moved from Jedha to Hoth, Jade picked up a special gift from Jedha City.

It was definitely hard to get and Jade was proud of it. She felt so connected with the Force when she was holding it that she didn't really want to give it up. Sage always talked about what color her lightsaber would be if she had one, orange. Which, sadly enough was the color of Teegan's lightsabers. Though, his were more of a yellow-orange.

Jade couldn't get an orange kyber crystal though, but she had gotten a white one. The Empire had started mining out the kyber crystals from Jedha, which wasn't going over so well with the citizens, but they were doing it anyway. Jade had managed to steal one before she left, a small one.

Jade and Obi-wan had been teaching Sage the ways of the Force for a couple years now, mainly Obi-wan. But when Jade was there, that's all they would do together.

Sage was exceptionally powerful in the Force, almost as powerful as Anakin is. Sage and Obi-wan had trouble keeping it under control when she was younger but now she had gotten it under control for herself, thankfully.

Jade landed her ship behind the ridge she usually does and began walking to the house, ready to see Obi-wan and her daughter again. It's been only a week but as Sage has gotten older, the more she seems to miss her everyday.

Jade wasn't even to the house yet when Sage opened the door and ran up to her, giving her a huge hug. Obi-wan looked confused for a second as he peered out of the house, suddenly seeing Jade and realizing it.

Obi-wan had an uneasy look on his face as him and Jade greeted each other and gave each other a hug, even a kiss. Sage ran back inside and Jade took this moment to get serious with Obi-wan, "You seem shaken? What's wrong?"

Obi-wan sighed, "Jade, she sensed you forty-five minutes ago, you weren't even in orbit."

Jade's eyes widened slightly, though she wasn't surprised, "She's stronger than I am in the Force, our job is to make sure that doesn't get to her head."

Obi-wan nodded and the thought of Sage turning to the Dark Side crossed both of their minds as they walked inside. "Sage, I brought you something from Jedha!"

Sage's head whipped around faster than Jade could've imagined. Usually Jade brings Sage reading material about the old Jedi Order, the old republic and sometimes the Sith and Gray Jedi Order. Jade wanted Sage to have knowledge on every type of force-user and not see just the only view of the Force, she wanted Sage to decide for herself. Though Obi-wan doesn't know this.

Jade pulled out the white kyber crystal and all three of them just stared at it for a moment. They all felt the strength of the Force in it. But it was also a flashback to the Jedi Order for both Obi-wan and Jade. Jade and Obi-wan met through finding their kyber crystals for their lightsabers.

Sage qiuckly looked up, "Wait," she paused looking between her parents, "does that mean I'll get to have a lightsaber!?"

Jade turned to Obi-wan who didn't oppose and just nodded to Sage, "Yes, honey, it does. They aren't toys, though, tell me you understand that."

"I understand!" Jade jumped up and down.

"I'm sorry it isn't orange, white was the only one I could get my hands on," Jade told Sage who shook her head violently.

"I don't care, I just want a lightsaber!" Sage continued to jumped around the room, happier than ever.

"Well then, you have to build it yourself," Jade explained causing Sage to sit still.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Sage asked causing Obi-wan and Jade to both shrug.

"We'll get whatever you need, just let us know what that is," Obi-wan smiled as him and Jade walked into the kitchen.

"That's unfair!" Sage said from the living room.

"No it's not, both Obi-wan and I had to build our lightsabers by ourselves," Jade said to her, beginning to prepare their dinner. "And we were younger than you were, I think."

Sage sat there for a moment, dumbfounded. She then suddenly ran to her room and began reading all the stuff Jade had brought her about lightsabers over the year. In five days, Sage's lightsaber was constructed successfully and Jade and Obi-wan had to be honest with themselves, it was better looking than anything they could've done at the time.

 In five days, Sage's lightsaber was constructed successfully and Jade and Obi-wan had to be honest with themselves, it was better looking than anything they could've done at the time

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Jade loved seeing the excitement dawn on Sage's face as she turned it on. The humming that came with it was music to Jade and Obi-wan's ears.

Sage swung it around a few times, careful not to hit anything and in that moment, Jade couldn't be any prouder of the girl Jade and Obi-wan raised.

For the rest of the night, excluding dinner, Jade was teaching Sage a few different swings and how to hold the lightsaber, etc. Sage was picking up faster than Obi-wan had.

For rest of the time that Jade was there, all Sage and her did was practice with the lightsaber. Somehow, Obi-wan had managed to get hold of a training droid which floated in the air and shot fake lasers at you. But soon, the time for Jade to go back and check on the rebellion had come and Sage would have to train by herself.


Talkin' about a filler chapter amiright or amiright? xD

xoxo, chloe

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