K-2 and Cassian

546 15 0

0 ABY~

Jyn was walking through the base, on the search for Cassian. She was eventually joined by Sage and they began talking about the most random thing. Sage was more than obviously trying to distract herself from the thought that both her parents were headed towards the Death Star and Bodhi had been at training, so Sage decided to talk to Jyn.

Nowadays, they couldn't even walk through the base peacefully without being congratulated on the "win" at Scarif, which was beginning to annoy the group since no one ever mentioned K-2, Baze, Chirrut, Melshi, Pao or any of the rebels that had given their lives to get the plans. But they simply said 'thank you' and walked away as fast as possible, trying to get through the base without being talked to.

"So look who it is," A pubescent voice asked from behind Jyn and Sage.

Jyn and Sage both turned around to see a boy the same age as Sage, a boy that Sage didn't particularly like nor dislike. Sage rolled her eyes, "What do you want, Jahlik?"

"Oh, I just wanted to talk to you, that's all," he winked at her causing Jyn to almost burst out laughing. 

Sage just looked at Jyn, "Cassian is in his room," she told her. Jyn smiled slightly before awkwardly walking off muttering a small 'thank you' and leaving Sage with Jahlik.

Sage mainly didn't like Jahlik because he flirted with her at every chance that he got. It was the most irritating thing Sage had ever been through, and that includes stormtroopers.

Jahlik moved closer, nobody in the main hangar noticing them. "So what are you up to today?"

Sage rolled her eyes once more, which she couldn't seem to do as much as she wanted when she was near Jahlik. "I have important things to do, unlike you," she began to walk away.

Jahlik instead grabbed her arm causing Sage to pause in her tracks, "Get your hand off me," she warned.

Jahlik only laughed, he was a year older, in his mind, Sage couldn't do anything to him. "Or what?" He laughed, taking it as a joke.

Sage wasn't going to deal with this today, she was upset about her parents, being left alone for the day, and she was beginning to miss K-2, her buddy. Sage, without thinking, quickly turned around and shoved him back, her hands pressing against his chest. 

She may have used a little bit too much of the Force, though. Jahlik got sent flying back, his back hitting a bunch of metal crates that were thirty feet away from him. Almost everyone in the hangar turned towards her and the Jahlik, examining the situation. 

About five Alliance members ran over to Jahlik, asking if he was okay and such. Jahlik's eyes caught Sage's, "You're crazy! You hear me?! You're batshit crazy!"

Sage's jaw clenched as she angrily walked forward, ready to do more damage, when Bodhi appeared in front of her, grabbing onto her shoulders, "Hey, hey, Sage, stop."

Sage looked up at him and he could instantly tell that she was emotional. He sighed, turning her around and guiding her into a different room. Not to say anything, but just to hug her and comfort her. 

Jyn had finally found Cassian's room, after asking too many people. It was different than the one he stayed in before they went to Scarif, and it was much harder to find. She knocked lightly, a small 'come in' was said so she entered the room slowly, cautiously.

She was shocked by the sight in front of her, Cassian was sitting at a table that had a KX-Series Security Droid, the same exact one as K-2SO was. He was sitting there, drilling into its head, reprogramming it.

"Cass.." Jyn began as she approached the table.

He didn't even look up at her, his focus directly on the droid, "Don't start, about three people have already told me what you're going to tell me today."

Jyn was silent, careful not to screw with his emotions at the moment. Jyn just leaned against the table, "So how's being a cripple?" She joked.

Cassian didn't laugh, he just looked up and glared at her for a moment, "It's not funny." He continued to work on the droid.

Then he turned the droid on, its eyes lit up white, and it looked just like K-2SO. Jyn was brought back into the memories of when K-2SO sacrificed himself at the data vault, saving them. He was a droid and he didn't have emotions but he still sacrificed himself anyways and it still, to this day, confused her.

But when the droid spoke, it just wasn't K-2. And the fact the droid asked, "who are you?" was even worse. Cassian groaned, putting the screwdriver back into the droids head and attempting to screw something, turning the droid off. 

Jyn went behind Cassian and put her hand on his shoulder, as soon as she made contact with him, he stood up on his good leg and shoved the droid off the table. Jyn's jaw dropped in shock as he did so. He then decided to walk away from his seat and the table, forgetting he had a bad leg. 

The time he had spent in the bacta tank last night was helpful. Though, not enough. He fell halfway the way to his bed and yelled out in pain causing Jyn to instantly run and grab onto him, kneeling next to his body as he just laid there for a moment. 

Cassian face was soon covered with tears as he laid there, from both mental and physical pain. Jyn grabbed onto his biceps and began to help him up, she was able to get him to limp to his bed. She got in first, letting him plop down in front of her, leaning back and getting comfortably situated in her arms.

"I miss him," Cassian joked out. Jyn only nodded, trying to keep her own tears from starting. "He was irritating and not much of a help, but I miss him."

Jyn knew he was saying this because he knew he would never be able to get K-2 back so she just held him closer, her arms wrapped around his upper chest and the side of her head resting against the side of her. Jyn, Cassian and Sage were all completely broken. Bodhi was getting there, though, he didn't know how much longer he could hold on for Sage's sake.

"You have to be strong, Cass," Jyn said, sniffling and bringing one of her hands up to wipe off the tears on her face. "You have to be strong and live for K-2SO," she paused, "for Baze and Chirrut," she sniffled again, "For Melshi, Pao and the rest of the rebels who sacrificed their lives."

Cassian eventually stopped crying after five minutes and no matter how much his ribs and leg hurt, he just wanted to hold Jyn in his arms. They eventually ended up sleeping for the rest of the day, Cassian's arm wrapped around Jyn's waist, and his head snuggled into the crook of her neck. 

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