Chapter 8.

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Ariana POV

I sat in silence in the house. It was about three in the morning, and I couldn't sleep so I came down here to watch re-runs of 'Malcolm in the Middle'. I decided that I'm not going to worry or let him get to me.

I heard footsteps approaching me and turned around to see Andres. I smiled and he sat down beside me. He grabbed me and then pulled me to his chest. I inhaled his scent and smothered my head deep into his arms.

"Baby what's been going on with you lately?" He questioned.

"Nothing." I got cut off by my phone ringing. I answered and heard screaming.

"Hello." I answered.

"Ariana we need you to come to the hospital now!" Raji said and I could hear Kori screaming in the background.

"Oww Raji it hurts." I heard her groan.

"We're on the way." I said.

"What's wrong?" Andre asked.

"Kori's having the baby." I told him as I got the kids up. We sat them in the car and buckled them up before racing to the hospital. They were in room 202. We rushed in and saw them watching her as she screamed in pain.

"I want Ariana." She whined. I rushed to her aid with Aaron on my hip, as Naja and Aj sat in the chair next to Andre, and I smiled at her.

"I'm here." I soothed her.

"You came." She said tears running. I nodded and looked at Raji as he held Raquel while she slept.

6 Hours Later

Finally she went through labor. But my beautiful niece Rainy 'Rain' Elizabeth Brown. She was a beautiful brown skinned baby who had a head full of curly hair. All of a sudden I felt as if something was wrong.

I couldn't shake it either. Whatever was happening, it was happening purposely. I looked around the whole room. Everybody stared at me as I kept circling around.

"Ariana you okay?" Raji asked.

"Yeah." I said nodding my head.

Raji POV

I knew Ariana wasn't telling the truth. Eventually, me and Andre looked at her at the same time. She circled around once more before looking out of the window. Her eyes squinted and I felt the heat radiating off of her body.

Me and Andre looked up at the mysterious guy dressed in all black as he had on a dark hoodie. It was as clear as day that she knew exactly who he was.

She stepped back and he walked off. I was holding my babygirl what was I supposed to do. I looked back at Ariana who was on the floor holding her head. She growled lowly, but loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Ariana who was that?"


<> Pharaoh.

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