The First Mission.

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LN: Welp I'm dead and tired. At least I have my Vanilla Bean Frap. Ahhh~~ The benefits of having a job.... money to buy food.
Nishia: *confused* What's a Vanilla Bean Frap?
LN: Ow my sweet little innocent bean I won't introduce you to the addiction of caffeine. *tackles into a hug*

So I woke up and decided to wear a new uniform. I then recieved a message from a hawk to tell me to head off to the Kage tower to recieve a mission. I began to run my long hair flowing behind me and appeared at the Kage tower. I then ran up the steps and jumped to the window outside of the Hokage's room.

I opened the window and entered saying, "Hello Hokage-sama!".

The Hokage smiled at my entrance and while I stepped off of the window into the room, there was a knock on the door. I looked up and heard Hokage-sama say, "Come in."

I saw Kurenai-sensei followed by Shino, Kiba, Akamaru, and Hinata. I smiled lightly at them and waved my hand. The Hokage then began to explain to us that I would be joining them first for a mission. I smiled and said, "What kind of mission is it?"

The Hokage smiled and said, "D-rank."

I smiled lightly and leaned against the wall. This was going to be fun.

*le time skip all the boring mission details*

So basically we were to go and look for a plant that is rare to find, but isn't dangerous at all. At least it is what we were hoping it was. Not dangerous at all... yeah we were screwed. The area was huge and to look for a rare plant... hah as if we would find it fast.

I ran up to Hinata and I asked her, "Want to travel with me?"


We both then began searching one area together. All the while it was quiet until I decided to ask Hinata, "So you like my little brother... right Hinata?"

Almost immediately the other girl turned red as a tomato, or possibly a red hot chili pepper. She then began to stutter uncontrollably....yep she definitely liked Naruto.

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "Good luck!"

She froze up, still red, but well she knew I approved. A few moments later I spotted the plant and dove in picking it up and dodging the strangling vines in the process. I ninja ran back to Hinata grabbed her hand and picked up speed.

We arrived back at the meeting point, waiting for Kiba and Shino. They appeared as well as Kurenai sensei. I smiled and said, "We got it." I rose the plant and gave it to Kurenai sensei. With our mission done we went back to report to the Hokage.

*after the report*

I was walked down the street, sensing the glares and stares I was receiving. I then heard a cat meow and saw it run past me along with Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto. I ran after them and noticed them corner it, when Naruto grabbed it and the cat scratched his face.

I sighed at my little brother and walked towards them. I moved quietly and quickly and tapped on Naruto's shoulder saying, "So I see you are finishing your mission?"

Naruto struggled to keep the cat from clawing at his face while he tried to answer my question. I smiled and made a slight little noise that caught the cats attention and I grabbed a twig with a single leaf still attached to it, and began to draw the cats attention away from Naruto. 

I handed to twig to Sasuke and said, "Well I hope you have a great time reporting in! I have to find a the other group I'm going on a mission with next!" I waved good-bye and ran to find Asuma sensei's group. 

*time skip* 

For our mission in Asuma sensei's group we were supposed to clean this old woman's backyard, we finished it rather quickly, Ino was slightly miffed that I was participating in the group, but she became slightly nice to me, when I helped her out. Shikamaru and Choji on the other hand were nice to me, and Asuma sensei offered to show me around the village. I declined saying that I was okay with learning the village streets by myself. 

 I was walking to the Kage tower when I heard her speak to me.

You know this place would be better if the villagers didn't glare at us as if we were a disease that could be caught by them. 

I smiled lightly and told her it was okay these people were only scared of what her brother contained, they had no idea about her containing the zero tails. 

I made my way into Hokage-sama's office and looked at him, he smiled at me and informed me I was going to join my brother's team for their next mission, which was transporting a bridge builder to his village and to help watch over the bridge building process. 

I smiled and headed to my new home far away from the village homes, more into the forest. I opened my door and saw Narina and Narita sitting down in the living room drinking a cup of tea. I smiled at the two woman who had watched over me since I was a child, and headed to my room to get packed for the trip. After a while I made it to the area we needed to be in to meet up and jumped into a tree. I saw Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto waiting for Kakashi-sensei. I saw the bridge builder Takuma arrive and after a while Kakashi appeared with an awful excuse of getting lost on the path of life. 

I just sighed and jumped off the tree and landed on the ground saying, "Well hello there again, Kakashi-sensei, Hokage-sama assigned me to assist you in this mission." 

Kakashi smiled through his mask and nodded his head, we then began to walk, while Takuma questioned if another brat would be able to take care if him. I just simply ignored him and began to walk alongside Naruto, when I noticed something peculiar, was that a rain puddle in the middle of the road? In this weather? 

LN: I am so sorry I have not written in a while, but I have time to write today so I took it upon me to finish this chapter. I hope you enjoy it and I know I know them damn cliff hangers. =.= '

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