Meeting the rookies.

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LN: Yo!
Nishia: Um Lady Night thats not a greeting.
LN: Aw your as horrible as PF.
PF: **** *** Lady Night.
LN: **** *** **** ** Potatofriend.
Nishia: And now they are arguing with one another.
Narita: Just wait for it....its gonna end soon.
LN and PF: I hate you.
LN: *snickers*
PF: *laughs on the floor*
LN & PF: Aw I forgive you. *hugs it out while everyone else anime drops*
Nishia: *sweatdrop* ummm ok.

I giggled while I walked to the Kage Tower to see the 3rd. He had wanted to introduce me to the rookie gennin. When I arrived I sat nearby, and I heard the door open and in came pinky, blondy, and basically the people who thought I was Naruto.

Immediately upon arrival the pink haired girl screamed and pointed at me saying once again, "Naruto! I told you stop turning into a girl!"

I felt anger and irritation boil up once again when I stood up and said in a deadly calm voice, "I have already told you that I am not Naruto."

The Hokage watched with amusement while pinky said, "I don't believe you."  I looked at him and motioned for him to begin when the door burst open and Naruto came in... late.

While pinky stared at Naruto then at me, Naruto had seen me and almost immediately his face brightened and he yelled out, "Nishia!!!" I smiled even more and let out a light giggle. I then was tackled into a bear hug by my slightly shorter brother. I smiled and hugged him back while the others watched this scene unfold confused.

The Hokage watched in amusement at seeing the twins reunited. He smiled and then spoke saying, "Kids this is Natsura Nishia Uzumaki Night. She is Naruto's older twin sister." (A/N Hmm Hokage you left out Namekaze. HEHEHE *NOTE SARCASM* Someone doesn't want some people to know their family history.)

The pink haired girl screamed out, "What!" While the others were to shocked to say anything. I smiled and let my little brother go. I then turned and said, "As the Hokage said my name is Natsura but I perfer to be called Nishia Uzumaki Night. I am Naruto's older twin sister and I have just returned to this village after being with the Night clam for the last 8 years."

After my introduction, I did my hand placement and bow towards them. When I stood up to my full height again, I let out a light giggle at the faces many of them were making. They then began to intoroduce themselves to me.

A boy with swirly symbols on his cheeks spoke, "I'm Choji" (A/N Have no idea if I spelled it correctly.) I smiled and went up to him and said, "Aww your so cute!" I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks and that made him blush.

Next was pinky, "I'm Sakura." I moved towards her and then I smiled slightly saying, "Your loud, rude, and probably crush on the hottest guy in your class. Basically you need to find your place, and ninja way before you even think about boys." I turned from the shocked Sakura.

"I'm Ino." I smiled again, but it wasn't slightly. "You have a better chance but  same advice. Find your ninja way before you think about boys." At this point the Hokage was chuckling.

"I'm Shikamaru." I smiled and said, "Your the smart guy, but you like to laze around. I don't judge you for that after all people can be a drag."

"I'm Shino." I smiled and went closer to his face. "I like your shades. You are the silent one aren't you. Well don't forget that I will never forget who you are."

"I-I'm H-h-hinata." I smiled gently at the shy girl who was probably expectimg harsh words from me, but instead I giggled and said, "You are a kind, gentle soul. You bring honor to your name and standing, don't let what others say affect or bring you down."

"I'm Kiba and this is Akamaru." I smiled at the puppy who immediatley jumped into my arms and began to lick my face. "Awww your puppy is so cute Kiba!" The boy was just shocked at how Akamaru was acting and I looked at him saying, "Don't let arrogance and pride be your downfall."

Lastly was the guy with duck butt shaped hair. "I'm Sasuke." Ehhh I could tell that he was an arrogant one. I then spoke without a smile on my face, "Don't let one thing or thought be your goal in life. Live your life to the fullest potential...make friends and I wish you luck getting away from your crazed fangirls."

I then turned to my brother and said, "Naruto Uzumaki! I have heard you have learned to do a gender jutsu, but you have been using it for pranks! Seriously, if you have to transform into any type of female do it for a mission instead of for a prank. But other than that please don't yell...I hate loud noises." I then turned around.

"Lastly I am Nishia Uzumaki Night and I hope we can get along." I again bowed to them with a my hand in a fist over the heart in my chest.

The Hokage watched this scenario with an amused expression. He then spoke saying, "Nishia is your new comrade and she will remain teamless till her team from the Noght clan arrives until then she will join each of your teams for missions till she familiar with you all."

With that said Nishia smiled at the rookie gennin and said, "I can't wait to get to know you all."

LN: Hope you all enjoyed! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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