The truth behind the lies.

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LN: I am just going to begin writing the story today!

A puddle in the middle of the road in this weather? Not at all possible, it also seems as if I wasn't the only one who noticed since Kakashi had already made a ninja clone and moved into the trees. I moved closer to Takuma and when we passed the puddle Kakashi was "ripped apart", I reacted and moved to protect  Takuma. While Sakura and Sasuke moved as well, Naruto was frozen. Sasuke immediately moved to help out, or more like show off, I do not like him, ugh. After Naruto gets hit, I did the one thing I could do, I used my Jutsu to slam both ninjas into the ground. Before they could get up, Kakashi appeared and finished them off. 

As it turned out Tazuna, had lied to us about the mission details and this mission was a higher level, like level B or was it A, I didn't really listen to that part, I was more worried about Naruto and his idiotic ways He had stabbed his hand to derail the poison that entered his system, without thinking about the consequence of him losing a lot of blood. I was sitting next to him and holding his bandaged hand while thinking about all of this. 

*time skip* 

We were almost about to arrive at Tazuna's village when I heard a noise, it sounded like a huge sword being whizzed through the air, I immediately noticed how Kakashi was also hearing this, and I yelled out, "Get down and protect Tazuna!" When they did so a sword passed over our heads and slammed into a tree, and the person who appeared was none other than Zabuza, or how I liked to call him, Moomoo, ahh he probably wouldn't remember me without my mask. Oh well, seems like we are on opposite sides of a battle this time. Hope Haku figures out it is me. 

*time skip* 

Hell, I forgot how freaking strong moo-moo is and Kakashi was already using his Sharingan, Sasuke was staring, Sakura was well being her and protecting Tazuna while trying to show off to Sasuke at the same time. Naruto was simply trying to help out, but just like that when I was about to step in, two senbon flew in and pierced Zabuza in the neck, I saw Haku and remained quiet, while Haku and Kakashi talked lightly, Haku took Zabuza's body and disappeared. I looked at Kakashi and we helped him out when he collapsed, from overusing his Sharingan and chakra, and took him to Tazuna's home. Oh well, I'll look for Zabuza and Haku later on when Kakashi begins training Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. 

*time skip* 

Wow, I noticed how bad Sasuke and Naruto were at controlling their chakra, especially my brother, but he'll get the hang of it soon enough. I then immediately began to look for Zabuza and Haku, almost immediately I find Haku, wow that was easy. I landed and said, "Yo, Snow!"

Haku turns around and was surprised to see me, yes I had on my mask, and I gestured to him saying, "Let's go and see Moo-...Zabuza." 

Welp, might as well help Zabuza out, or hear why he is doing this for Gato, the man was an evil snake. When we arrived at where MooMoo was healing, I smiled and yelled out, "MooMoo!" He looked like he was about to kill me, but I knew he liked me, I think, besides he won't be able to kill me, at least not yet. anyway. "So why are you working for that bastard Gato?", I asked him while touching his sore neck, allowing some of my energy to lighten to soreness in those muscles. 

"For the money." 

I sighed, figures, but I almost immediately knew that if he continued one of them was going to be dead and Gato was going to backstab them and try to kill them off, or at least that is what I had heard he did. I shifted and said, "So, ... I am um.... helping to protect the bridge builder... and I am under orders to fight at the level of a genin, but let me tell you about Gato." I spent the rest of the time explaining to him how bad Gato was due to the information the Night ninjas collected on him. When I left Zabuza had told me to be careful, awe he does care, for he was going to need my help to end Gato's life before anything else could happen. I laughed and nodded, well that got rid of one problem for the bridge and at least Haku and Zabuza would remain alive, now just to kill Gato. 

I had walked all the way to Tazuna's house when I saw a boy run out and collide into me, he fell but got back up, glared, and left running. I walked in to see that the atmosphere was horrible and I looked at Kakashi who motioned to me to come over and talk. I came up to him and we walked into a separate room.

To be continued...

LN: It has been a long time a coming here you go!

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