Slappy's Friend,[Part 1].

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•Two Days Later•


"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."

   Stine was kind of getting used to Slappy alarm call in the morning (example: pokes to the face, punches on the guts, slapping on the face, etc...). His huge adorable brown eyes were covered by his wooden hands.

   "Peekaboo!" He squeaked cutely as he set his little hands on his lap. "You taught me that, papa!"

   Stine chuckled as he did it again. The author gave Slappy a smirk and covered his face with his own hands. He decided to do the same thing as Slappy. Silence fell over the room after he did it.

   "Papa? Where'd you go?" Slappy asked, a hint of fear showing in his face.

   Stine could feel Slappy moving on the bed covers, trying to look for him even though he was right in front of him.

   "Peekaboo!!!" I said a bit too loudly.

   Slappy let out a scream and accidentally fell on his back. He landed hard on the wooden floor with a loud THUD since he's made out of wood.

   "SLAPPY!!" Stine cried.

   He immediately jumped out of bed and kneeled by Slappy's side. Slappy slowly sat up with the help of Stine's and rubbed his eyes while sniffing, that was usually the sign that he was gonna cry.

   "Hey hey hey now~. It's okay~," Stine said soothingly, trying to comfort Slappy.

   "WAAAAAAAAAAA-HIC! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Slappy cried loudly while rubbing one of his hands on his wooden head.

   Panicking a bit, Stine carried him into my arms and started to cradle him. The author stared at his grandfather clock at the corner of the room and realized that it was still early.

   '2am?!! Why would Slappy wanna wake me up this early?!!!' He thought.

   'Hmm... Oh I dunno... Maybe he doesn't want to be ALL ALONE in his ROOM!!' Another voice like Stine's replied angrily.

   'Hey! At least I'm not some kind of person who lives his life as a self conscious!' I shouted back in my head.

   The voice let out a loud gasp, offended. 'YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!'

   'MAKE ME!!!'


   Stine looked at Slappy,"What?"

   He guessed he said that too firmly but he was glad that Slappy didn't mind.

   "Hahaha! You wewe tawking to youwself! Hahaha!" Slappy laughed as he pointed at Stine.

   Stine blushed. "Oh. Okay." He said as he carefully set Slappy down on the floor.

   His smile faded when he saw Slappy rubbing his wooden head. "Does it still hurt?" He asked, worried.

   Slappy looked up at me and smiled,"Nah. Juwst itchy."

   Stine smiled back. He carried Slappy again and took him to the little boy's own and new bedroom. He gently closed his bedroom door once they were in.

   "Papa! Papa! See! See whawt I did!" Slappy squeaked, pointing to the middle of the room.

   Stine turned around and immediately jaw-dropped. Slappy slid out of his grasp and ran to a black tent that was made out of Slappy's blankets. It's planted in the middle of the room. The author's eyes were still wide when Slappy dragged him closer to the tent.

   "Iws it nice Papa?" Slappy asked, looking up at his Father.

   Stine stared down at his son and scoffed,"'Nice'? It's amazing!"

   The tent reminded Stine of himself when he was really young. He. had no friends so he allowed his imagination to take over him . He ruled 'castles', made friends with brave 'knights',... He even made tents like Slappy did!

   "Yay!" Slappy squealed as he ran inside the tent and took out six very familiar books.

   "Can Papa tewl me some of thewse stowries?" Slappy asked as he held up one of those books.

   Stine smiled when he realised that it was one of the Goosebumps books. He glanced at the rest and saw that they were all Goosebumps but they were not the ones that he kept in his study. The title of the book that Slappy handed Stine was the 'Creature Teacher'.

   Stine shrugged then said,"Okay."

   He lay on his stomach with his hands still holding the book and yawned, still a bit tired. He looked at his left side and realized that Slappy wasn't there. His smile faded as he looked to my right.

   "Slappy?" He called .

   He sat up and carefully looked behind the tent. "Slappy? Slappy~? Where are-!"


   "AHH!" Stine jumped back when Slappy suddenly appeared in front of me.

   "Oh god," he panted as he held the front of his shirt with his right hand tightly.

   Slappy just giggled.

   "Whe-where were you?" He asked as he pick up the dropped book.

   "Um,..." Was all that Slappy said.

   Stine turned to him and gave him the 'what-did-you-do-this-time' look.


   "Yes, Slappy?"

   "I-iws it okay if a fwiend of mine come sleep wiwth us Papa?"

   "Hmm... Well,.. It only matters what kind of 'friend' are you talking about..."

   "Hmm... You don't miwnd a vewy VEWY haiwy fwiend??"

   Stine froze. "'Very' hairy?"

   "Y-yeah!" Slappy stammered. "And-he may dwool a lot but you'll get wused to it!"

   "Woah woah woah," Stine waved his hands in front of him. "What kind of 'creature' is your so-called friend..?"

".....A wewewolf."

Then out of nowhere, a small grey furred creature with midnight black eyes pounced on Stine.

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