Father-Son Bonding

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   Slappy was still at the corner of his room, asleep and leaning his back at the wall. He thought he had done enough of trouble that he wouldn't want to wake up and do anything else stupid. But even when unconscious, he knew that he will somehow.

   And that 'somehow' just had to happen on that night.

   He woke up oh so suddenly and then sat up by a painful jolt. It was quick and hard that Slappy could feel something warm climbing slowly from inside his neck and towards his mouth.


   But he couldn't feel its hot pain for he wasn't himself. He stood up and looked at his reflection through one of the mirrors he broke. He slightly smiled.

   His appearance looked troubled. You could tell by his eye bags and how he moved. Though within his eyes, it expresses the in between feelings of pain and emptiness.

   It was odd how his eyes were glowing slime green but he didn't seemed to mind it because he still couldn't feel properly for like I said, he wasn't himself.

   He turned to the front door and reached up high for the golden handle. He twisted it, earning a clicking sound right after. The door spontaneously creaked as he opened it slightly.

   The little dummy looked at the opposite sides of the hallway to make sure that no one was nearby to see him leave. His smile grew as he walked down the spiral stairs, knowing that he was off to a good start.

   Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he spotted his sisters sleeping on the couch in the living room. He quietly walked towards them and poked them at the top of their hands. They didn't budge.

   Though after touching them, a strong wave of enigmatic feelings crashed into Slappy. He could feel again but felt as if he was dreaming. He felt both light and heavy and as if he was going to wake up any second. He was confused by this and his eyes began to flicker from green and then his normal eye Colour and then back to green.

   He lowered and gripped onto his head tightly as he grunted from the pain throbbing in his head. He walked backwards and accidentally hit the Low coffee table. This alarmed him because of the sound it made after but he was actually Glad of it.

   Slappy looked up at his Sisters in fear. He saw Sarah shifting from her sleeping position that is from the left to the right position but she didn't wake up although he wanted her too. He was about to cry out in pain but he stopped himself from doing so.

   This was because his feelings suddenly went away and his eyes turned back as the Colour green.

   Oops! Nearly lost you there, little one! Come on, come on. There's no time to waste! Get out of there!

   Slappy swiftly walked towards the entrance door and heard the sounds of pouring rain and loud thunder from outside of it.

   His eyes blinked once and then turned back to normal. His feelings were back. Possibly because he felt scared by the weather outside the house.

   He staggered slowly backwards, away from the door, but froze when his eyes flashed back to green. It hurt him for a few seconds but just like before, the pain went away.

   Pay attention to my voice. Come, Slappy. Come to Papa. Come to your real Papa.

   "Yes, Papa," Slappy whispered as if replying to the voice in his head before opening the door slightly and letting the strong wind slam it fully open.


   When Slappy was already walking down the wet sidewalk of the Neighbourhood, he could hear his sisters calling out to him in panic over the roaring wind and thunder.

   They might try to follow him so Slappy picked up his pace and fought through the wind. He didn't know where he was going but he let the voice in his head control most of his movements from then on.

   Good boy. That's right. Just listen to me and no one else. Let me guide you. Let me control you!

   As Slappy continued to run, he passed  by a few humans who screamed once they saw him, pointing at him and calling him a demon and then running away.

   Slappy didn't mind, for once. Back then, he was so scared of them. And he noticed that they were only scared of him. This made him smile but somehow, without feeling a single emotion.

   He headed towards the park and then towards the forest, not even stopping. And then, for what seemed like hours, he was looking up at a man with the dark robe who stood on top of a small hill with a dark and dead tree at the center.

   The man had some sort of an invisible shield around him to protect himself and the book he was holding from the rain. He put the book within his robe, kneeled down and then opened his arms. He smiled at Slappy.

   Slappy noticed and walked closer towards the man. Slowly, he hugged the man and the man hugged him back.

   Finally, Slappy's eyes went back to normal but he continued to hug the mysterious man. He felt as ease. Something that he haven't felt in a Long while. And he wanted to feel it forever.

   The man chuckled, as if knowing what I just typed down, and said to the little dummy,

   "Hello, again, my Son."

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