1. New Student

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Hey everyone!! It's Mac. 💕I haven't been on wattpad in a very long time so I wanted to come back with a new book. I hope you guys enjoy this one xx PS to the people who have been asking if I will continue "Our Secret" , i am not sure yet ! But pls comment and star love you guys xx❤️

Life is such a ride. Can't you agree? Especially when you're in high school trying to face the world and living life with the best friends that mean the most to you. My life was that way until everything began to change. It almost felt like the whole world was frozen but I was the only one spinning. This is how it all started.

                             Makayla's POV
Shuffling through the enormous pile of papers on the desk sitting in the corner of my room, I sigh not finding the homework I am supposed to be handing in today. My grades are a very big deal to me ..they always have been.

    Kids will make fun of me because of how much of a nerd they think I am but I don't let it get to me. Screeching in agony, my foot slams into the bedpost.

" Sweetheart, are you alright? " My father calls.

Unfortunately , it's only my dad, my brother John, and I that live together in this household. Sadly, my Mother passed away when I was 4 years old..from cancer.  I think about her daily wishing she was still here with us but my dad always says, " She's here in our hearts . "

  " Sweetheart! " My dad calls once more. I must have dazed off.

" I'm fine!! " Brushing my small hands off, I give up searching for my paper. Mumbling a "whatever" underneath my breath, I take a last glance in the mirror and walk out the door.

  The car ride to school was dead silent. Most days my dad and I don't talk much since he is always working or is in his office doing what he has to do. Sometimes he even works late nights but he will always be a good dad in general. John on the other hand is always hanging out with Dylan (AKA his best friend). John and I talk daily but not as much as before when Mom was here. He is a senior so he is trying to manage his time better and apply to many colleges. Most people think that popular kids aren't as smart as the kids that study a lot or pay attention a lot ..so basically nerds but John isn't like that.

     He isn't a nerd at all. He is very popular and everyone knows him. The girls are constantly on him, even my junior friends which he pushes off in a gentle manner. Everyone see's him as the "cool guy" in school but everyone also knows that I am his sister so he makes sure that no one messes with me even though there is stupid kids that talk shit about me behind my back.

     John isn't a nerd but he is defiantly super smart. I bet many of his friends don't even know that except for Dylan..of course. Dylan is like a brother to me. He's a senior too and all he is really trying to do is to just get into college and be happy.

   Walking into the school with John, everyone's eyes land on him. It's always about him. I am honestly just one of the outcasts. My best friend Adam keeps me company though. He's one of the sweetest guys I know of at East High not including my boyfriend Cameron.

  Cameron and I have been together for a year now and I've been happier than ever. Back in the ninth grade we met and we immediately clicked. He helped me through everything, and he still does. I don't know what I would do without him.

Everything is on good terms and I just hope he can stay with me. I don't want him to leave my side at all. I remember the first day we met, he threw spitballs at me to get my attention, and he was the most annoying kid. Soon enough, we began talking and became very close. Sophomore year we began dating around February and now I am a junior and still a happy girl.

      I used to think having a boyfriend was the most silliest thing...I never was interested in having a boyfriend but I guess things change and I realized that you just have to let it be. It takes time.

Searching for Cameron with my blue eyes, his brown eyes never meet mine. Maybe he ditched today? I'm not shocked..no one around here would be shocked if Cam did not show up for a whole week and then came back like nothing happened.

He has the cutest two little brothers Ricky and Sam. They're about 8 years old and are fraternal twins. They lost their Mother as well but in a car crash this January. She battled with Leukemia so they knew she was going sooner or later..

   Heading down the tiny halls which are very dangerous and filled with people pushing everywhere you go, I make it to first period and sit where I usually do.

Math is such a bore .....but I put up with it. Mr.Martin is the WORST TEACHER at East High. Literally. All he does is drink his coffee and tell stupid jokes that no one ever finds funny but him. He sits in his chair plopping his feet up on his desk.

    " Alright class. Let's begin! " Everyone groans.
" Alright, pop quiz then! "

This is what happens with Mr.Martin. If you show disrespect, he will give you something worse.

He passes out the quiz sheets and in a minute or so, I was done. Handing it in, Mr.Martin smiles at me. I've always been a good student to him, I've just never told him what I really think . I mean, that's rude?

My hands reach my face as I sit there waiting for the rest to finish. The door creaks open and everyone's heads look up to see who it is.

" Hi..is this Mr.Martin's room? " The blonde haired guy speaks as I notice his Irish accent.

" Yes..yes it is. You must be the new student Niall James Horan. " Mr.Martin speaks up.

I can now see all the girls crying over him but me.

" Just Niall please .. "

He nods " Well have a seat Niall. "

//Characters //
Cameron- Cameron Dallas
Adam- Aaron Carpenter

Dylan-Shawn Mendes

Still trying to figure out the other characters!

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