6. Endless Blue

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Hey guys. x I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thanks so much for the love and for the support. According to Louis' tweet, hopefully the boys get back together. I miss them so much. Ughhh 💗💗💗 enjoy babes xD

Cameron's POV

Fluttering my eyes open, I stretch my legs and arms out. I rub my brown eyes and sigh staring blankly at the ceiling. Thoughts cloud my mind about Makayla and I immediately feel my body tense. I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest. My breathing picks up and I finally sit up.

Ever since Adam admitted he loves Makayla, I've been thinking a ton about it. I adore her so much and I should...I mean she is my girlfriend and she has been my best friend for the longest time, and she hasn't left my side at all, ever since the beginning.

She means so much to me..she's like the sun in my summer or the waves in my soul. She's the red in my heart, and she's the stars that I follow. She's been my everything for so long and I just cannot let her go. My heart is telling me to follow what I believe in but is also telling me that I will regret letting her go.

      I wish Adam told me how he just felt...I feel like the bad guy because I was the reason he kept this all this time. This is way too much to process and if this goes further, than I am sure that our friendship is going to drown in the water, which I don't want.

      Adam has been there for me since day one. He's done everything for me and he always has my back, and I don't know what I'd do without him...

I just cannot lose both of my best friends. They mean way too much to me to let them go. I really just need to give them space..

Makayla's POV

Going through my drawers, I panic on having nothing to wear. My body is cold and my arms and legs have goosebumps growing on them. Sighing in frustration, I throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a black long sleeve. Braiding my hair quickly, I apply mascara on my eyelashes and put on a pair of nike socks.

" Sweetheart, you're going to be late! " My father shouts.

Grabbing my bag and phone, I head out the door. Walking to school was my thing. It's just really relaxing and it really clears out my thoughts. Makes me feel calm with the wind blowing through my hair.

   Before walking through the double doors of Eastwood High, my phone stops me in my thoughts as it begins to ring. Unexpectedly, Niall's name pops up on the screen.

I press answer and a lady's voice comes through.

" Hello, who is this? " I say in soft, gentle voice.

"This is one of the sergeants at the hospital..We didn't know who to call but you were first on his contact list but Niall Horan sadly has been in a severe car crash, and-"

Breathing fast, I quickly start making my way back home running as fast as I can.

The wind blows and soon I feel tears slowly coming down my pale face. This cannot be happening, I thought.

Unlocking the house door with my key, I bump into John who is on his way out to his car.

" Sis, are you okay? " John asks running a hand through his slick hair.

My hands travel around my face because I don't know what words to say and I soon feel my throat start to hurt because of how much air I am breathing in. Yes, I know it is good to breathe in a lot of air but sometimes, too much air hurts.

    My hands cover my face and I don't realize at first, but John is wrapping his arms around me.

" What happened? " He murmurs. "Please talk to me .."

"Niall...he-he-h-he's in the hospital...I-I-I need to see him now-w.." I stutter holding in my breath.

"I dunno who Niall is but is he the guy that came over last night?" He asks gently holding me.

I nod my head and he hugs me tight.

"Come on..we're gonna go see him." I sob into his t-shit which is now soaked.

Pulling away, I rub my eyes. He walks me to the car and I sit down on the comfortable seat once I open the door.

Leaning my head on the glass window, I sniffle over and over again. I just want him to be okay..

Something about Niall makes me want to always be there for him..I know that "friends" are supposed to be there for each other but Niall is different. I just...I really care about him and I've only known him for a few days but he's so sweet, and gentle to me that I need to be there for him and to feel for him.

When he kissed my forehead on his way out last night, I just felt...I don't even know but he made me really happy that night. His blue eyes are so blue like the sea and his hair is so soft like pillows.

He's like my other half.

As soon as I see John pull into the hospital driveway, I run out of the car and burst through the glass doors, and run up to the front desk.

"Can I please see Niall?" I politely ask in a raspy voice.

"Last name?" The man asks pulling down his glasses.

"Horan. Niall Horan." I rush.

"Yes, go down that hallway, and it's on your left. Room 256B." He points to the directions and I follow with my eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you." I mumble.

My heart starts to pick up as I run down the hallway waiting to see Niall. My chest builds up and I stop frantically at the room. Peeking in closely, there is a nurse standing at his side but his eyes are closed shut.

Walking inside the small room, I take tiny steps.

"Hello. I'm Makayla..Niall's friend." I say.

"Hi dear. I'm Angelina. I'm the nurse. Did you want some alone time with him?"

I just nod.

"Is he okay.?"

"Unfortunately...come sit down hun.." She gestures me to the chair and I slowly sit down.

Breathing in and out, I squeeze my hands together and she places a hand on my back. I blankly stare at him as I hear the words slip from her lips.

"Niall is in a coma."

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-mac xD

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