4. Fire and Rain

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Life...can you sum it up?

Staring deeply into Adam's brown eyes, I lose focus on words to say. The sudden noise of a car honking shakes me from my thoughts. Twisting my body the other way, I see John waving towards me but no words come out of my mouth. I give him a fake smile and glance back at Adam who is  sitting there with the most dull eyes.

    " I'm sorry- " Pausing for a moment, I clear my throat and fuddle with my fingers. " I have to go..we'll talk later. "

    As I stand, I stare back down at him wishing there wasn't agony filling up both of us. His eyes. The way his lips are parted. The way the tears in his eyes gather up slowly wanting to pour out. Swaying myself around I realize I was dumb enough to not know that my best friend is in love with me and has been since..since I don't even know.


    My heart races as I take step by step walking to my brothers car. Every step I take, my head manages to glance behind me at Adam who isn't even looking back. He sits there looking down at his hands that are folded together. What did I do?

    Grabbing harshly onto the car door, I hop in. Buckling up I stare out the window wishing I could take back what I said. Why didn't I stay and talk to him? What other stupid moves am I going to make?

The way Adam feels...the way I feel about Cameron is unimaginable ... All of this...I wish I saw this coming. This isn't fair..I can't hurt Adam and I can't hurt Cameron. They're my best friends and they both mean so much to me. What is there to do? How do I fix this?

" Are you okay Makayla? " A voice echoes in my head.

" Makayla? Sis, are you alright? " John repeats.

Flipping my hair, I nod. " I am fine. "

But I'm really not. It's simple.

" What's wrong? " ... " Talk to me.. "

I shake my head as he pulls up on the driveway to the house we live in. Making a run for the door, I kick my shoes off and belt up to my room. John calls for me but I easily ignore him. I just want to be alone..

Plopping myself on the bed, I lay there breathing in and out not realizing I have to make choices. Adam is such a great guy...and there is no way I can hurt him..but there is also no way I can hurt Cameron. Not in this world or in my life.

Why does life have to be so difficult? So complicated? I can't complain though...so many people are wishing to have a life like this..

My phone vibrates on my leg and I reach to see who messaged me.

It reads :

Unknown #: Hey love.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown #: Niall hahaha .

Smiling gently at the thought of Niall, a small knock on the door erupts into the room making my smile fall apart.

" Come in!! " I yell taking my socks off.

" Hey hun. How was your day? " My Dad mumbles leaning his head on the door. He looks so worn out..I can tell he's been working really hard. It's tough without my Mom.

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