2. New Friend

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Hey guys! x Thank you so much for sending me messages to update the book and to continue it, and for all the comments and votes! (: It's really nice when you guys comment so I know what you think about it. x thanks COMMENT who should be Makayla's character, and John's character!

Here is the thing with being in high school. You have to go through the most annoying drama and put up with it. I honestly don't have any drama in my life except for when Adam and I argue over stupid little things. But there's always that "girl drama" that comes into place..

I don't really have a ton of female friends.. over the years most girls have betrayed me or turned on me for no exact reason. When I was little in pre-k, everyday this girl bullied me and everyday I went home crying to my Mom. When she passed, it got even worse because I had no one to cry to. I was never comfortable talking to my Father or John about my emotions or feelings.

I continued to be bullied when I was younger, and then I met Adam in pre-k. He was so nice to me and I appreciated everything he did just to make me smile or feel better. He was the boy who got along with everyone but he had a tough life. His parents were divorced at a very young age so it was very rough on him. Sometimes he talks to me about it when we hang out but he ends up crying every time, and I always cuddle him to make him feel better. I don't know what I would do without Adam in my life. He's a great guy...and best friend.

The bell rings giving me excitement as I hop out of my seat a little to fast bumping into a hard chest.

" Woah, slow down there love. " An Irish accent says holding my hands so my face doesn't end up on the floor.

Looking up I meet a pair of crystal blue eyes.
" Sorry about that..see ya around. " I say not really giving him a chance to speak.

Entering the hall once again, I feel someone quickly jump onto my back and I immediately knew it was Adam. Adam and I had this thing where we take turns giving each other piggy back rides during the school day. We do this EVERYDAY. After first period, we had every single class together. I don't mind the piggy back rides. I know it's quite immature but it is less walking.

" Hey Makayla. " He laughs holding tightly onto me.

This is the thing I love about Adam. Adam can cheer you up whenever you're down or make a smile appear on your face whenever. He is such a fun guy to be around and he is always there to support anyone.

" Hi Adam. " I chuckle to myself with a smile planted on my face.

" Cameron was looking for you. " He informs me jumping off of my back and going into class with me.

" He's here? " I ask curiously.
He nods and I sit down next to him in the middle row. In every class we sat together even when we were younger back in elementary school. It got to the point where everyone in the school realized that we were best friends. We did everything together, including Cameron. Sometimes when Adam and I went out together in public, we would see friends and they honestly just think of me as one of the guys. I was never that girly type at all. I was always that girl that wanted to play video games or the girl that wanted to just have fun at parties or really honestly to just chill at home with Adam and Cam, and watch movies all night.

Chuckling to myself, I adjust the hat on my head.

I never understood why people bullied me. Maybe because I'm not that girly like the other girls? My mom always told me people had bullied me because they were jealous ..but why? There really isn't anything to be jealous of. Cameron and Adam always supported me through it all but the bullying never got to me. It doesn't really hurt me.

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