11. Hold Onto Me

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My legs roughly shake as I sit in the hospital lobby patiently waiting for Niall's doctor to come out and see me and Adam.

  " Hey calm down ... it will be okay. I promise you. " Adam suddenly says panting as well.

But what if it isn't?

  "Please god don't let Niall go.." I say tears brimming out of my eyes for the first time this whole night.

Adam tangles both of his arms around me and I snuggle my head into his neck until I hear the noise of high heels clicking down the hall. Standing up my eyes go wide hoping that it was Niall's doctor.

"Makayla?.." A raspy low voice says.

I gasp and meet eyes with doctor Susan. The pain in her face worries me to my core and I can't help but squeeze my hands tight. "Let's sit down for this love.."

Sitting down on the green yet very comfortable chair, I breathe in and out waiting for the words to slip out of her mouth.

" Niall is now in stage two. If he wakes up,– he might not remember anything at all.."

What? I can't believe this...

" But Niall can still wake up and remember everything, right?" Adam asks with a worried expression covering his face.

" Well that would be very rare actually ..but yes it can happen." She explains.

Sighing loudly I wrap a leg around my other. I still haven't told Adam that Charlotte knows Niall. I can't believe they were in love.. should I even put it that way? It just makes my mind go insane thinking of Niall and Charlotte. I wonder what happened to her brother Louis ... hopefully he's doing well.

Coming back to reality, I realize doctor Susan is gone and Adam is walking towards me with two coffees in his hands.

" One medium double double hot coffee with a shot of hazelnut for you my dear." Adam rebukes mocking an old lady voice.

A loud laugh slips out of my mouth and I take the coffee from his hand as it reminds me of the old times, where we would both go on best friend coffee dates together every Sunday morning.

" Whatcha thinking about?" He suddenly asks sitting next to me sipping on his coffee as well.

Shaking my head, I decide not to say anything.

Adam really deserves better, I think to myself.

Cameron's POV
What did I do? Why do I always have to fuck everything up? Why is it always me?

Adam and Makayla will never want to see me again. I just know it. They might forgive over snd over again but sometimes they get fed up and I understand that but would they really leave me?

I could never leave them. Maybe they just need space..

I'm just so tired of trying . I love Makayla so much and Adam is like a brother to me. I just can't let them go. I won't have anyone else. I mean I already lost my mom. Now who am I gonna lose?

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