7. Let It Be

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    I wish I could always get what I want but the world doesn't work that way. We all wish that everything could go our way but that can't always happen. We try so hard to get what we want but in the end, it's just so byzantine. You can't just stop trying though. You have to move on and on.


Makayla's POV

    Pressing my hand on Niall's palm, I lean back in the burgundy chair. A knock comes from the door and John pokes his head into the room.

    "Hey", he whispers. "I wanted to check on you.." His hands tuck into his pockets of his dark blue washed jeans and his neck falls down.

   "Hi..Niall is..is in a coma." I say.

"Oh..wow," He mumbles. "I'm so sorry sis but I promise you that everything is going to be just fine."

The tears tuck into my eyes again and I feel very overwhelmed. Slowly, I turn my head to Niall, hearing the sniffling coming from my nose.

I lean my head gently on his chest and soon enough, my tears are soaking his shirt. Will everything be okay?

    Footsteps quickly make it's way over to where I am and a body hovers over me.

"It's okay Makayla." A kiss is left on my forehead and a chin is resting on my head.

    The next few days, I went to school but left early each day. I went home sick each day but all of it was because of Niall. I want him to be okay. It's been a whole week since I saw him and I'm still crying in bed each night. The other thing, is that Adam or Cameron haven't even said "hello" to me. It's like they immediately blocked me out.

In all honesty.. I miss the two of them so much. It breaks me to see that I've caused so much agony. I feel like all of this is my fault. Instead of cuddling with Cameron and Adam, I've been sitting on the couch watching old movies, and crying while eating ice cream. Sounds horrendous, right?

Looking out the window, the sun brightly shines, almost blinding me as I fall roughly onto my bed. Screaming my lungs out for a second, John runs through the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks, out of breath.

Nodding my head I chuckle.

"I thought you were hurt! That's not funny!"

"Okay..okay I am fine. Sorry. Geez." I reply in frustration.

Hanging upside down from my bed, a familiar face peeks inside my room.

"CHARLOTTE?! Is that you?!" I yell standing up and running into her arms.

"Oh my gosh..I've missed you so much Makayla." She greets me squeezing me tight.

Now you're probably wondering who the hell Charlotte is. She's been my friend since the seventh grade and we have always been super close. Honestly, she has been my only female friend that has stuck by my side. She moved last year to a different school, so we couldn't see each other as much and because it was about two-three hours away from where I live.

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