Authors Note:(

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   Hi guys. So I know that I haven't updated this book in quite some time but I'd like to be open with you guys. But first thank you to everyone who has read the three chapters so far of this book. I really appreciate it, especially all of the votes and comments...I have been struggling with depression for a while now..few years. So lately it has been hard for me to actually hang out with my friends and to put on a "real smile". I don't mean to trigger anyone or to make you sad but this is the reason why I haven't been updating anything. I've really been trying to be strong but sometimes I can't do it, and I just end up in my room, on my bed crying to myself. ): I have really tried to get through it by pushing myself but it's getting to the point where I don't want to try anymore. I am getting to the point where I just want to give up...I have not told my friends or my Mom or anyone but you guys. The only reason I don't tell my mom is because I'm scared everything will go bad..worse than now...but I am also scared because I might screw up. I know I am only fourteen(15 on March 3rd) but I'm scared I just won't be able to make it through. I'm tired of trying. I really am. I'm tired of crying, feeling I am not good enough. I'm sick of my life. ): I just can't do this..and I've tried so hard to stay strong but I am really just falling apart. I hope you understand.

If you have any questions, comment , PM me or write on my message board x


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