5. Heartbreak

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" Cam...it's not what you think. " My chest builds up with sorriness and hurt. What do I say?

Suddenly he opens the door and closes it lightly behind him. As he takes off his hat and adjusts it on his head, I feel a tear gently roll down my face.

"Guys..what's going on?" He asks raising his voice.

Exchanging looks with Adam he opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. I don't blame him.

Standing up, I wrap my hands around Cameron's neck. "What's going on?" He repeats grabbing onto my arms and removing them from his neck. He moves his head in closer to mine and places his nose on mine. My breathing picks up and soon enough, I'm taking a widely stretched step away from him.

"Cameron you're gonna hate me." Adam cries into his shirt. "I wanted to tell you all this time I just wanted you and Makayla to be happy which you guys are. I love her...I do..everything about her."

"Why didn't you tell me man?!" I'm a taken back by Cameron's voice and humor. "You know you can talk to me..you should have just told me.."

"I didn't want you to freak out like how you are doing now!" At this point, Adam is standing on his feet, and he's running a hand through his hair.

"Listen...I'm going to be honest...you're my best bro and I'm sorry I never listened to you when you told me that you were in love with a girl." Cam whispers.

"Did you guys..?" He frantically asks.

"Did we kiss? No no.." I say. "Of course not."

"Makayla I love you. But I thought all three of us agreed on that we weren't going to let anything get between us." Cameron continues.

He's right..when we were five years old, we promised we would always work everything out and that we would always stick together..

But I don't know where that went now..

"I think I just need a break..I can't..I'm so tired of trying to figure everything out. I don't want the two people that mean the most to me, to just disappear but right now I am scared. I don't know what to do. I'm scared because I might lose the both of you but I don't have anyone but you guys, Niall, my Dad, and John. I can't lose you guys either...I just can't..I'll see you later."

Walking out the door, I leave them speechless. As I exit from the front door, the tears start streaming down my face and I run home. Why is this so complicated?

Running through the doors of my home, I hide away into my room again. Can all of this get worse?

" Sweetheart, is that you?" My Dad calls from the downstairs.

Lying down on my bed, I lay there staring at the ceiling. There's that one question I have not yet answered. Do I love Adam? No one said it would be this hard.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up from the small squared dresser.

Niall: You okay? Adam called me.

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