3. "I love you"

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Hey guys! x Hope you enjoy this chapter!! Thank you so much for all of the reads and support! Continue to comment & star. Love you guys. ❤️❤️x P.S- hope you enjoy the picture of Nialler above. x

The next morning I flutter my eyes open. The sun shines brightly onto my tan face reflecting from the white curtain. Sitting up, I sigh checking the time. 7:00 AM.

A small knock on the bedroom door, echoes through my room. John peeks his head in, eyeing me.

" Dad said to get up. " He mumbles. " You okay sis? " He walks over to me and sits down on my bed comforter.

I nod slowly lying my head back down on my fluffy white pillow.

" I gotta get ready. " I say lifting my body once again and swooping my legs over to the edge of the bed.

" Do you need a ride today? " He asks raising a brow.

" No, Cam will probably pick me up. " I smile.

He nods and walks out the door in silence. I turn the shower on and step in, shivers going through my body. I sing along to the song that was bursting through my speaker, but suddenly the music stops and I begin to hear the sound of my phone ringing.

Washing myself quickly, I jump out of the shower almost tripping on myself. Wrapping a green towel around my body, I enter my room again throwing on black sweatpants and a hoodie. Throwing on a pair of nike socks, I quickly search for my mascara applying it to my face quickly.

Out of the blue, I remember someone had called me. Running in the bathroom for my phone, someone beeps there car horn. Looking out the closest window, I see Adam and Cameron waving with huge smiles on their faces.

I chuckle loudly to myself at their actions and grab my phone and bag. I run down the gray carpet stairs pulling my hair into a bun.

" Why so in a rush sweetheart? " My Father asks handing me a bottle full of orange juice.

" Cameron and Adam are waiting outside."

" Ahh, I see. Well have a good day pumpkin. " I smile towards my dads words which immediately brought my mom to my mind.

When I was a little girl, she used to call me "pumpkin" or "snowflake" all the time. I used to love it. But my dad still carries it on. Of course I miss her but ...I can't change anything.

" Have a good day! " I shout before I exit the front door to see my goofy best friends.

    Hopping into the backseat, Cam leans over and plops a sloppy kiss on my red lips. Adam eyes us weirdly, but I don't say anything.

    It was always like that. There were moments where Adam was either uncomfortable or he just felt a certain way, that he never told us about. He was always holding back for some odd reason. I can't let it bother me but I'm sure it will.

  Checking my phone as soon as possible, 5 notifications on 5 missed calls by Adam pop up on the screen.

" Adam why did you call 5 times? "I ask curiously.

" Oh...yeah. I wanted to talk to you about something but we'll talk later. " He replies not really making eye contact.

I nod, looking down ..did I do something wrong? Is he hiding something? ..

I frown slightly and lean my head back on the seat. What could possibly be wrong? But I definitely need to talk with him.

It only takes a few minutes to get to school and as soon as I know it, I'm walking through the school doors hand in hand with Cameron. Eyeing around for Niall, I instantly spot him running up to him and jumping into his arms.

" Woah slow down there. " He laughs gently, a smile plastered onto his face. Soon enough I feel Cameron's arms wrap slowly around my small waist and his lips connected to my cheek. The feeling of his touch still brought goosebumps to my skin. Ever since day one.

Out of the blue, the bell rings making me jump.

    " Alright, see ya guys later. " Adam chirps turning away. I hope he's alright.

   I wish he talked to me about what was wrong. He might not tell me when something is wrong but I always manage to know when he isn't okay.
Walking off with Niall to Math Class, I cringe at the thought of Mr.Martin.

I chuckle to myself feeling Niall's hand brush quickly against mine. Moving my head in his direction he smiles gently. He really had a beautiful smile. Not realizing that I was staring, he clears his throat.

   " Oh sorry. " I apologize entering the room as he follows behind.

Mr.Martin starts the class once everyone is there and sitting in there seats. He begins a new lesson but I can't seem to focus. My eyes drag over to Niall sitting beside me, and I catch myself staring once again. This time he smiles back at me, winking playfully.

    Laughing quietly at his action, I hold myself together. My classes end up going by super fast and by the time I know it, I'm waiting outside of the school, waiting for John to give me a ride home.

    Sitting patiently, I look up from my phone and meet a pair of brown eyes coming my way. Waving to Adam, he smiles shyly taking a seat down next to me.

     " Adam..what's wrong? " I frown at his facial expression not knowing what to say anymore.
" Talk to me. I'm your best friend. " I beg.

   For a moment I think he won't say anything but I was wrong. He sways his body closer to me where he can face me. He grabs my cold hands and places them into his gripping on them lightly.

    " Mackayla I-I.. " He stutters.

" You what? " Breathing in and out my heartbeat speeds up.

    " I love you .. "

" You mean so much to me. I-I know you're with Cameron and everything but I had to let you know..I can't keep holding it in. "

      My heart stops beating. I close my eyes and listen to the air. What just happened?

     Sorry for the short chapter!! Comment what you think will happen next xx
How was that chapter?! Lots of drama is coming soon xx

//Characters// ⬇️
Cameron- Cameron Dallas
Dylan- Shawn Mendes
Adam-Aaron Carpenter
Niall- Niall Horan
John- Liam Payne💕

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