8. Don't Let Me Go

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OMG GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PEOPLE THAT NOMINATED ME FOR THE FAN-FICTION AND TEEN FICTION AWARDS!!!!! _Fictastic_ announced today that voting is now open so please vote for me! Would mean so much!! 💙

Also, I was talking to a One Direction fan earlier and she posts drawings on Wattpad of the boys and stuff and she's freaking amazing. 💯Go give her a follow & check out her work. 💛mylarryheart_

The next few weeks pass by and Niall is yet to still be in the hospital in a coma. It has almost been a whole month and every day I become more anxious to what can happen to him. It's such a trauma to someone to see there own friend in this situation.

I still haven't spoken to Cameron or Adam but they somehow found out on their own that Niall is in the hospital. I felt ready last week to actually open my mouth and say something to Cam and Adam in school but sadly, they just ignored me. Thy acted like I wasn't even there, like I didn't even exist.

That night I tried so hard to tell myself that they were just not ready to talk and that everything was going to be fine but the next week came, and still they haven't said a word to me. I constantly try to speak to them and it's even worse because now I sit alone at lunch. It's very weird but it's very lonely, and nobody has come up to me and has wanted to sit down next to me the past few days.

Deep down it feels like Adam and Cam are just giving up on me. I haven't hung out with them in what feels like years but I truly do still love them. I mean I grew up with them and they are basically my life. Their my family.

"Ow fuck!" I scream a little too loud as I stub my toe into my dresser. Shaking my head, I quickly grab my toe because of the pain that was flowing through my busted foot.

"Makayla, what the hell?!" John beams through my room in a flying second opening the door like wind.

"I'm okay," I laugh. "I stubbed my toe again." Sighing quietly, I stand wincing from the preasure I was placing onto my foot.

"So how ya doin'? Have you gone to see Niall?" He mutters under his breath. Playing with my hands I look my brother into his brown eyes.

"Truth?" I ask.

He nods slowly and runs his left hand through his hair. "I really miss him," I say. "I'm going to go see him later today."

"That's good, wanna go grab a coffee or something?"

"Sure. Let me just-" I start talking but he cuts me off abruptly.

"By the way, I have some news for you and Dad." He whispers.

"What is it? Tell me." I demand.

"School ends soon..I'm moving."He sighs dreadfully dragging his hands on his thighs.

"You're leaving us? Me and Dad? You're leaving? But I don't want you to, no you can't John."

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