12. Just Hold On

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Hey you guys. :-) How are all of you?! I've honestly missed you guys so so so much. 💓 I hope you all are doing well. Sadly, I have some bad news at the end of this chapter BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS TOO. JUST HOLD ON. ❤️
Lets try and get this chapter up to 20 votes!

Louis' POV

Slowly exiting the washroom, I spot Makayla passed out on one of the green cushioned chairs in the waiting area. Wasn't she with Adam?

I gently sit down on the right side of her and stare down at her.

"Long day yeah?" I ask looking up to the ceiling rumbling my feet on the white and blue tiled floor.

A groan escapes from her lips and she suddenly stretches out her arms and back while sitting up, and leaning back on the chair.

"I take that as a yes. Me too love." I politely say with a sigh at the end. Everything about her seemed like something was going on in her life that was really challenging her just by the look on her face.

Everyone has those days though to be quite honest with you. We all have to learn to just move on.

"Can I ask you something Louis?" Her shy yet innocent voice awakens me.

"You may." I bitterly say turning my head in her direction.

" How long have you known Niall for?" She asks and I realize she's desperate to know.

"Couple years. He's a good guy. How long have you known him?" I answer honestly.

"Since the beginning of March when he was abbreviated as the new Irish student." She laughs quietly to herself pressuring me to laugh along.

She has always had that affect on people where she could laugh or smile and the other person would be dared to smile with her just by the look in her blue eyes. Wether the other person was in a bad mood, she always had that effect on someone.

The room goes silent and something comes to my head that I just had to say.

"Do you love Niall?" I ask squeezing my hands shut together.

Her facial expression suddenly goes blank and continues playing with the loose thread on her pants. Her crystal sea blue eyes water up with tears and I already regret asking that question.

"I'm sorry, I was just curious because no one has ever , especially a girl has ever stayed this long for Niall."

"I do. I really think I do and I have only known him for about two months now but he means so much to me. You don't understand. No one understands. I just ended my relationship with this amazing yet selfish guy–" She rambles on until I cut her off in her tracks.

Wait, what?

    Did I really just hear that? Poor girl..

"I'm so sorry but what happened if you don't mind me asking?" I ask my dark blue eyes pinned to her face.

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