9. Meant to be?

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I love these boys
Who doesn't though??? lol

Adam's POV

My stomach buries a pit inside of me and I am speechless of words as I accidentally drop my tea cup onto the table. Everyone's eyes soon drop onto me and I immediately run out of the booth pacing myself to get out of this damn coffee shop.

"Adam! Where you going?"A deep American accent fills up the room. Turning behind me, Cameron is lost at words and his face is filled with guiltiness.

"Somewhere where I'm not near you! How dare you kiss her right in front of me?! I thought you were my bro!" I rebuke. More anger builds inside of me and I breathe in and out running out the door.

"You're so sullen Adam! You can't control yourself, you've always been bad tempered! But do what you want dumbass!" I hear Cameron's voice soon fade out of my way as I reach the London streets.

Tears brim into my eyes and I can't help but let them out as I drag my legs over to the stoned wall that was near and lean up against it, pulling myself down softly hitting the cold ground.

"Why does this happen to me?" I cry scratching my hands around on my head and wiping away every tear that just couldn't stop rolling down from my swollen red eyes. "I should have known she doesn't love me back.." I sigh.

I know I won't and can't get everything that I won't in this world but there is always a spot to try. I've known Makayla my whole life and Cameron but why on earth would you do that to your best bro?

I don't know what to do. At this point, I'm panicking. I'm frightened. I'm scared. Jesus I just don't know what to do!


Makayla's POV

"Wow uh that was-" I stutter. "Maybe I should go find uh Adam."

"Why? He's fine. Don't you see that?" I jump at Cameron's tone and slowly walk backwards.

"Did you see his face? He is hurting Cameron!" Balling my fists, I stare out the glass window.

"Then tell me why you just kissed me."

"I-I-I -I kissed you because I-" Struggling with words, I tap my foot on the concrete floor.

"Why?" He asks his tone thickening.

"I loved you...because I loved you. I loved you so so much Cameron .." I breathe. "I loved you, I did." I suddenly feel the tears falling from my eyes.

"No!" I yell as I see him moving closer to me. "You're selfish! You just care about yourself Cameron!"

"No Makayla..what's going on? "

"I can't do this anymore Cameron...you've changed. You really have." I cry watching the people staring around at us.

"Makayla please no babe..."

"I have to go.." I whisper making my way out the door. Maybe it was supposed to be like this all the time. I let Adam down when he showed his feelings toward me through eye contact and gesture.

This is all my fault ..

But this is wonderful. Now I have one more thing to worry about on my mind. First it was Niall and now it's Adam. Where the hell is he?

Walking down the sidewalk, I suddenly hear faint sobbing from a corner. Turning on my heel, Adam's head is buried into his legs crying as if he'd just lost another person in his life.

"Adam?" My voice comes out as a whisper but I meant for it to project.

I see his head begin to look up and he blushes downward.

"I'm so sorry..." I wish I could fix this. I wish I could turn it all back around, where feelings were not hurt and where everyone was happy.

But I can't ..there isn't a way how ..

The sound of my heels must awaken him because his head flips up immediately as I take a step closer to him. Bending down I adjust myself as I sit on the cold ground right next to him. I notice the gap between our hands as they lay flatly.

"Adam?" I crackle. "Please talk to me." I beg with tears drowning in my eyes.

A second later, I feel a finger rub against my pinky. Looking straight down, his hand is touching mine.

"You can't always get what you want I guess." The words that slip out of his mouth gives me an ache in my stomach. He's right.

"The world can be so shitty but yet so...god I don't even know." He continues on. "I found someone who understands me but maybe I don't understand them."

His pale face moves to look at me and I just stare. I'm unknown with words to say at this point .

"Makayla, can I ask you something?" He crocks.
I nod silently and stare deep into his eyes.

"Are we still best friends? Are we still those two amazing people 3 months ago?"

Before I could answer, my phone begins ringing. Struggling to take it out of my pocket, I answer it even though it was an unknown caller.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hi, is this Makayla?" The lady politely asks.

"This is she.."

"I'm aware that you were hear at this exact hospital before and we have some news for you about Niall. Niall Horan."

"Um-um okay. I-I will be there as soon as possible." I rush to say through stutters.

"We have to go to the hospital Adam." I whisper covering the phone with my hand.

"Is it about Niall? Is he okay?" He bellows.

Removing my hand from the phone, I place it back to my ear.

"Makayla are you still there?" She asks.

"Yes, yes I am." I respond frantically.

"Please please come fast. It's news we need to sit down about."

That's when my heart broke into two.


Hey guys! How are all of you?! I know I haven't updated in a while but I am back!! ❤️ So, what'd you think of this chapter?? I know it was a little short so I do apologize for that. But I am making a small switch to the book because I have a different idea now that will come up soon in the next few chapters. From now on, John's character will be Shawn Mendes. Liam will be in the book later on but for now he isn't. So John will be Shawn Mendes.

Thank you guys so so so much!! I love you all sp much, you have no idea! ❤️Don't forget to VOTE ! 💚💚💚

Ps-Have you heard Paramore's new song 'Hard Times'??? Omg I love ittttt

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