My Car (part 2)

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It was Saturday. I woke up quickly and did laundry. At about 10 something, I called Airil to get him to help me to go to pick my car up. Again, he didn't pick up. I tried and tried until almost noon. In exasperation, I got dressed and was determined to go alone to pick up my car. I dunno how, but I guess I would have to. Especially since I just threw a bitch fit last night to the one person who did help me. I shuddered in embarrassment. When I was ready, I took my handbag and started to look for my car keys. I frowned. Where the hell is it?! Did I drop it somewhere? I quickly emptied my hobo bag and sifted through my junk. Just then, the door opened and Sierra and Fiena, my roommates came in with their huge luggage. They probably just came back from their frield trip.

"Hey, kay!" Sierra and Fiena called out. I said hi and was pleased to see them. They're super seniors but are super nice. Sierra is a 4th year engineering student and Fiena was a fourth year Economic student. They both took the same electives and were away for a field trip to an orang asli village to build houses there after a flood had washed the houses away. They had been away for almost 2 weeks. And I missed them. It was so boring to be alone in the room.

"Hey girls!" I greeted them and we hugged. They both looked tanned and thin somehow.

"OMG, you guys look so thin!" I exclaimed. Sierra and Fiena laughed as the looked at themselves.

"For reals Kay! Ho yeah! I have to suffer in a remote village without Wendy's more often." Fiena said and we laughed.

"Kay, you're going out?" Sierra asked as she put down he mountainous bag pack on the floor.

"Yeah, I have to pick up my car. It broke down last night." I condensed the details. No need to tell the world what an ungrateful bitch I was to Seth last night.

"Oh, right. That reminds me. Here, Seth gave me your car keys to give to you. He already brought your car just now. It's downstairs, in the parking lot." Fiena said suddenly and handed me my car keys. I took the key and felt myself redden. Aw, fuck! I am a bitch!

"Oh, ok. Thanx. So, is Seth still downstairs?" I asked, preparing to go downstairs. Like it or not, I have to thank him for his help.

"Err, no. After he gave me the keys, I saw him walk down to the taxi stand and took a cab." Fiena said. Crestfallen, I sighed. Ho man..I so have to apologise to him. And soon.

"Um, ok, thanx girls. I gotta go out for a bit. You guys want lunch?" I asked.

"Oh, no. We're still full. Had a huge brunch just now. I just want to have a long shower and sleep for a week!" Sierra said and Fiena agreed with her. So, I went out of my room and walked towards the parking lot. From a distance, I could see the beat up purple viva. When I got closer, I saw that it was gleaming. It's been washed. I felt a pang of guilt. Then, I saw a note on the wiper. I took it and opened it.

"Kay, your car's all fixed. It was the carburator. It overheated and seized the engine. But don't worry. It's all fine now.


I read and re-read the note, feeling more andmore like a heel. Shit, the carburator. It must've been crazy expensive. Now Ihave to pay him back every cent. I'll take a part time job if I have to. Ifolded the note and opened my car. It was clean and smelt like lemon pledge. Heeven got the interior cleaned too?! What is up with Seth? =

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