The Truth (part 1)

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That evening, I went for dinner with my roommates at downtown, since it's the weekend. Fiena drove since her car hadn't started for a week. We sat and chatted while waiting for the food. Just then, I saw a glimpse of somebody I know. Seth? He was with a girl. His girlfriend? They looked close. He was laughing as they were walking around, probably trying to find a seat. It was pretty packed. We do have 3 empty seats at our table though. Seth had been nice enough to help me with my car. The least I could do is invite him to share our table. But what if he brush me off? Urgh, to be rejected like that in front of Fiena and Sierra and his girlfriend, would totally suck.

"Eh, isn't that Seth? Hey, Seth!" Sierra called suddenly. Damnit, I forgot, Sierra and Seth are course mates. Seth looked at our direction and smiled at Sierra, but it faltered when he saw me. I just smiled weakly, choosing to ignore his obvious displeasure at seeing me. He walked over to us with the girl beside him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Sierra asked. Fienna and I were quiet.

"Oh, actually we're looking for a seat but there seems to be none." Seth said as he glanced at Fienna and Sierra. His gaze didn't fall on me at all. I sighed and decided to just let it go.

"Here, you can join us. That is, if it's ok? You know, if your date doesn't mind." Fienna piped in with a smile. She liked Seth. Just a harmless crush, nothing more as she has a boyfriend already.

"Oh, hey, I'm sure she doesn't mind. What about, um, Kay? You mind if we join you?" Seth asked, a little shakily, as he finally looked at me. His clear brown eyes finally looking at me. A strange feeling was welling up in the pit of my stomach. What the hell is that? I cleared my throat and just nodded with a smile, ignoring the churning feeling in my tummy. Seth smiled back a little and both of them sat down. Seth was right opposite me, with his date beside him. I was flanked between Sierra and Fienna.

"So, this is Sarah-" Seth started to say when the girl cut in.

"His girlfriend," She said in a throaty voice as she offered her hand to shake ours. I was surprised and took her hand hesitantly.

"Oh, your girlfriend..? Well, you're a dark horse.." Sierra said as she and Fienna gave each other knowing looks. I just smiled stupidly.

"Yeah right. Sarah's my sister. She's 17." Seth said smoothly as he slapped her shoulder softly. She yelped a bit and glared at him. Then she looked at us and flashed a mischievous smile. I liked her a lot!

"I was just kidding. Gotta filter skanks from real women like you guys, you know." Sarah said casually. I felt like laughing. She is so cool.

Sierra and Fienna burst out laughing.

"Haha, funny. So, this is Sierra, my classmate, Fiena her roommate. And Kay-" Seth started introducing us.

"Hey, you look familiar. Have we met?" Sarah said suddenly as she peered at me. I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked at her. She was staring earnestly at me. I've never met her before. I only knew her brother.

"Um, I don't think so." I said truthfully with a smile. She kept looking at me.

"Hmm...well, it'll come to me later." Sarah said and that was that. We chatted as we waited for the food. Well, Seth, Fiena and Sierra chatted while I kept Sarah company. She was nice and very friendly. I did join in on Suerra's and Fiena's stories, but I was not that invested. I was having a better time with Sarah.

"So, you're Airil's girlfriend? Hmm,.." Sarah said suddenly when I told her who Airil was to me. She was looking at me up and down. What was she up to?

"I think I've seen a picture of you..that's right! I've seen a picture of you! Seth, the picture you got in -" Sarah started to say more when Seth got up and announced their food is ready. Sarah jumped up to pick up her food. I saw the carrot cake seller beckoning me. Oh, mine was ready too, yum!

As I walked to the seller, I noticed Seth was heading the same way. I could feel him behind me. Sarah was chatting away beside me. She's really nice and cool. I couldn't fathom how someone like her could be related to such a grouch like Seth.

Suddenly I felt myself slip. In horror, I found I couldn't stop myself from tumbling. With a tiny shriek, I clamped my eyes shut and braced myself for the inevitable tumble. But it never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms had stop the embarrassing descent to the floor by clutching my waist. A pair of arm wrapped themselves around my waist and I fell against something strong and hard but soft at the same time. Fresh masculine scent filled my nostrils. The back hug was tight and I forgot to breathe. A shiver ran down my spine, tingling me all over. Homaigahd! What just happened?!

" Seth, Kay!" Sarah called out. I suddenly came to my senses and pulled myself out of the crazy hot embrace.Crazy hot?! The fuck?!

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