The Truth (part 2)

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"Hey, I'm sorry. Someone spilled their drink and I just got the mop to wipe it. Are you ok miss? I'm really sorry." The guy in the apron looked so apologetic that I smiled quickly and walked off. Seth was behind me. Suddenly, I froze in my tracks. There in front of me was Airil. Wit/h a blonde girl. Holding hands. I stepped up towards them.

"Airil?" I said reluctantly. Airi and the girl looked at me in recognition, then in horror. Airil looked uncomfortable but tried to remain calm. The blonde kept hiding her face behind her hair.

"Err, Kay. Hey, what are you doing? You didn't tell me you're coming here for supper..." Airil said lamely. I glowered at him. I didn't even notice Fiena and Sierra who rushed towards me as soon as they saw what was going on. Sarah was staring daggers at Airil. I didn't see Seth's face as he faced the other way.

"Oh, so you could run somewhere then hide your lil slut from me?!" I said in a menacing voice.

"Look, baby..." Airil tried to weasel himself out of this, but I won't have any of it.

"So, this is the dead grandma, the family thing, the assignment due and the unanswered calls. Wait, who is she?" I asked as I peered at the blonde. I looked closely as the blonde who was trying to hde her face. I grabbed her hair and turned her face towards me I froze. Sally?

"You?!" I asked incredulously.

"Errr, um..I'm sorry Kay! Really ...I'm.." Sally started to apologise fearfully when Airil intervened.

"Look Kay, I can explain... Wait, you know what, I've had it with your pure, innocent, virginal crap. You're a cock tease. And you're not even gorgeous! I mean, if you gonna be a cock tease, the least you could do is look the part, A fat-" Without realising it, my fist had flown to his face and there was a cracking sound when my fist touched his cheekbone. Airil fell backwards and fell on his ass with a loud thud. Everybody watched in stunned silence.

"You bastard! And you! How could you?!" I turned towards the cowering Sally. I towered over her and raised my arm. She shrieked and covered her head with her hands frantically.

"Kay!" Fiena called frantically. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I lowered my arm and left the scene.

"Kay, wait!" Sierra called as she ran after me.I ignored her and flagged down a cab. I went in and jut lay my head on the headrest as the cab sped off. That night Ididn't come back to the dorm. I went straight back home. My parents were on their umrah trip, so thehouse was empty except for my brother who could sleep through a tornado.

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