The Ultimate Truth

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I got into my car and slammed the door. My hand trembled when I held onto the steering wheel. My right hand stung from the slap. I couldn't even cry. I was so shocked. I couldn't believe Seth admitted to something like that. He was such an asshole. I wish I had punched him in the face!

When I felt calm, I started the car and started the car. I decided to go back to my dorm. I mean, how long can I hide anyway. When I arrived at my dorm, I parked and decided to take my time going to the dorm. I sighed as I looked at my phone. I had switched it off for the whole week I was home. When the phone was on hundreds of whatsapp msgs and voicemails notifications came flooding in. Beeps and beeps of message notifications were heard in my car, giving me a headache. I scanned through the messages. There were many messages from Fiena and Sierra. I read their whatsapp.

"Kay, are you alright? Where are you? Please2 answer your phone!" It was Fiena's msg to me on the night of the incident.

"Kay, please call us or come by our room! Something has happened! There's something you have to know!"

"Kay, where are you? Call me. Are you angry at me, too..." and he messages go on and on. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the car and walked up to my room on the 1st floor. I took out my room key and opened the door. Fiena and Sierra were at their desks, packing up. They turned when they heard the door was opened. At the sight of me, she shrieked and jumped out of their seats. They ran towards me and we hugged.

"OMG, Kay! You're finally back!" Sierra said as she hugged me. Fiena followed suit. Then Sierra sad as I sat on my bed.

"We've been trying too get a hold of you for like the whole week but you switched off ur phone! Oh God, you would not believe what happened!" Sierra said in glee. Fiena nodded her head in agreement.

"What, what happened??" I asked in suspense.

" Well, you remember the night we saw Airil with that girk and you ran off? Well, something incredible happened after that." Sierra said in glee.

"Only too well! So, what happened, ?!" I said urging them to go on.

"Well, after you ran off, Seth got angry. He went to Airil and asked him "Airil, what the heck are you doing?!" and then Airil said"What's it to you?" Here, I caught it on my phone. I took Sierra's phone and looked at the video of Airil and Sally clutching each other and Seth striding towards them.

Seth said " Why did you do that to Kay? I thought you really liked her."

"Yeah, I liked her coz I knew you liked her! When you introduced us, I knew you liked her. That's why I asked her out. Coz I knew she liked you and you liked her." Airil said with that stupid evil smile on his face.

"What are you talking about Airil?!" Seth said, kinda surprised.

"Don't try and deny it. I am sick and tired of being number 2. All girls liked you first Seth. You're so god damn good-liiking, rich, brilliant, popular and perfect! With you around, they never looked at me. So, I asked Kay out. Plus, I thought her family's rich, so that's a bonus. But turns out, they weren't rich. But it was worth it. To get back at you. You know to show you I could take any girl from you.But she was a boring date. She was this virginal cock teaser, she pissed me off. But I got her. And to take something you love is just so satisfying." Airil said with this stupid evil smile on his face. It looked like Seth was breathing out fire. He suddenly went to Aril and cuffed him by the neck.

"If you have a problem with me, take it up with me! You don't have to hurt Kay like that! I just let you date her because you're my best friend. I would've given up anything for you. But this is what you have done after all I have sacrificed for you. You have to take Kay and hurt her! I thought you'd take care of her! If I'd knew you would act like a spoilt bastard I would have fought for her and never let Kay go out with you! You asshole!" Seth went beserk and beat Airil up. Like really. We had to intervene or else Airil would've been dead. There were even cops involved ok. Both of them spent the night in jail. " Sierra said breathlessly and both of them stared at me with huge eyes.

I was shocked. What?! WHAT?!! "Wait, what?!" I asked, confused. Fiena and Sierra looked exasperatingly at me.

" God Kay! Don't you get it?! Seth. He's been in love with you all this time, but he never told you coz Airil asked you out and beat him to it." Sierra said with relish. She looked proud of herself.

I digested the information and suddenly it hit me. Seth had been in love with me all this time?! Even before Airil asked me out? Even while I was dating Airil? He had liked me, no loved plain fat me?! Ho my...

"But, how come he's so nasty to me?! He's never nice with me when I go out with Airil n him." I said suddenly sceptical of what Sierra and Fiena had told me. It just doesn't add up.

"Aw, come on Kay, that's probably just a defence mechanism, you know to make him forget his feelings for you. You have to admit that it does seem like he cared a lot about you. I mean, he helped you out a lot. When your car broke down and how many times have he sent you home when Airil bailed?" Fiena said logically. I stared at Fiena and Sierra.

"Oh, Kay, remember when your shoes got torn when you were on your way to the library? You know the time when you thought I came after reading your whatsapp msg? Well, I never read your msg. I was busy with cleaning out my car when Seth called. He told me to bring a pair of shoes and to look out for you on the road side with a torn shoe. So I grabbed my sandal and headed out to you. I was about to go out to class at that time. So, it wasn't your whatsapp msg that got you rescued. It was Seth's phone call. He made me swear to never tell you.

A warm glow started emanating in my chest. It became bigger and bigger. Seth loved me! Has always loved me. I couldn't quite believe it, so I watched the video again. Sure enough I could hear word for word that Seth had said. I felt so happy all of a sudden. Airil's indiscretion forgotten, I quickly got up. I have to talk to Seth. But then, I stopped in my tracks. Oh no! I just remembered what just happened. Oh crap! I almost forgot what I did to Seth just now. I couldn't believe I slapped him. I sat back down on my bed, deflated.

"Err, what just happened? U looked elated before. How come you suddenly look weird?" Fienna asked.

Weakly, I started to tell them what happened just now. They listened and stared at me open-mouthed. I suddenly felt the situation was hopeless. I know he wouldn't to see me after what I did to him just now.

"Wow, kay. That sure is a tough one. You can apologise though, tell him you didn't know. Just you know, hold his hands, hug him, kiss him- Fiena said gleefully as Sierra laughed.

"Fiena! That's not helping at all. Come on, help me. What can I do?" I pleaded with them. They looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders. I don't blame them. I don't have any idea what to do, too.

"I'm sorry Kay. For now, an apology is the best thing." Sierra said and I had to admit she's right.

"Look, you gotta do it fast coz next month is the graduation. He might just be gone after that." Fiena said and I nodded. I sat on my bed and sighed. What the hell am I going to do now.

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