The Awkward First Date

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The next morning, I took a deep breath as I looked at y reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a simple white peasant blouse and bootcut jeans. My hair was in long waves. I wore minimal makeup and a spritz of my fave parfum. I looked out the window. Seth was already there, in his car as the day was quite hot. I put on my shoes and tiptoed out. Sierra and Fiena were asleep. They went clubbing last night and just got back 2 hours ago. With racing heart, I neared Seth's old Civic. I took a deep breath and opened the passenger door with trembling hands. Seth looked up and smiled. Ho gosh, what a gorgeous smile. I smiled back and got in.

"Hi,' I said and I slid into the seat next to him.

"Hey, how are you?" Seth asked, the smile still there as he slowly drove out of the college parking lot.

"I'm fine." I piped and tried to still my racing heart. We were quiet. I think both of us are shy. It was weird and that just a month ago I slapped him and he was nasty to me. I was really attracted to Seth, but didn't know how to act around him. I took a shaky breath and clasped my hands together. I was a lil cold. Suddenly Seth took my right hand and clasped it firmly in his as he manoeuvred the car with 1 hand. My heart beat like crazy and a delicious tingle ran down my back. I hid a smile and squeezed his hand back. I felt Seth look at me but I was too shy to look at him

Seth drove us to a nearby mall. It was still early for lunch, so we decided to go buy the movie tickets and walk around. Seth walked and I fell in step beside him. We were walking to the MBO.I sneaked a peek at Seth. He looked crazy gorgeous wearing a black shirt and dark blue Levi's. He looked like a Calvin Klein model. Way out of my league. I felt shy suddenly and a little dismayed that I was so pathetic compared to Seth.

"Kay? Hello? You ok?" Seth was trying to get my attention. I blinked and snapped out of it. I looked at Seth like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh, um yeah! I'm fine!" I said quickly. Seth chuckled as he took my hand and clasped it tightly. He tugged softly and I walked with him, in a daze. We stood at the line and were deciding what movie to see. Seth was behind me. I felt he was holding my waist loosely. My back was against his front. I could feel his firm, hard chest against my back. Delicious tingles were shooting up and down my spine. Suddenly I felt Seth's warm breath on my hair. I stopped myself from trembling and gripped my arm tightly. He was leaning over me and his cheek was almost touching mine as he peered at the monitors displaying movies and the times. I almost answered when he said softly.

"Your hair smells nice." Seth said softly as he turned his head and looked at me. I felt myself go red and my knees turn to jelly. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I was afraid I would collapse. I felt Seth chuckle and held my waist tighter. The lobby was almost deserted.

"Sorry that I can't seem to keep my hands off you. Been too long fighting the urge you know. If you're uncomfortable, I'll give you space. It's okay." Seth asked as he let go of my hand and moved a mere cm from me to buy our ticket. Urgh,wait, what!? No, no, no...please don't be all noble and respectful towards me! Don't move away! If I had my way, I would've devoured him then and there! I couldn't say anything but I tried keeping the disappointment from showing on my face. Before I actually take his hand in mine, there was a girlish voice calling Seth name and then a shriek. Seth's head whipped around in surprise as a slight, waif hurled herself at him. What just happened?!

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