Chapter 14

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Jeff's POV

I threw Liu straight into the rock wall of the cave. "Fuck you! She belongs to me. Not your demented ass."

Serenity was tied up in the darkest corner. I ran to her side, throwing myself on my knees. "Seren! Seren! Can you hear me?" I looked up and down her bare body. "My God... What the hell did he do to you?...."

"Who-who are you?" she moaned.

"It's me, doll face. Jeff..."

A smile spread across her pale face. "Hi, honey bunny."

"Shh." I stroked her hair which was covered in blood. "It's ok. I'm gonna get you out of here." I slowly started to untie the ropes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sudden movement. I turned my head to see Serenity gritting her teeth and lightly yelling in pain.

My eyes widened. "Seren? What's wrong? Tell me where it hurts."

She closed her eyes tightly. "It hurts so bad! Shit! Oh my god!"

A gasp of pain came between each word. I checked her body for any bleeding wounds that hurt terribly. But it looked as if she was doing a sit-up, trying to relieve her stomach. It was something inside of her.

Laying a hand on her stomach, I felt a jolt. Every jolt caused her to yell louder. Was she-?

Laughter came from behind. Liu was now standing, the gun in hand. "See what I mean? It's all about karma, Jeff."

"What the hell did you do to her!?"

I stood up, standing protectively in front of Seren. My worst fear was coming true.

Liu chuckled uncontrollably. "I gave her hell for the next nine months."

My eyes widened even wider than they already could. The beats of my heart grew quick. Serenity was carrying Liu's child? Unless if I hadn't actually gotten her pregnant myself. But I never had sex with her...

No. That was Jane. I couldn't mistaken that bitch for her.

I shook my head, not believing anything. "No... No... NO!!!"

I ran towards Liu with full speed. He disappeared. I stabbed the ground in an attempt to slice him. He was still alive wasn't he? But how could he disappear!?


The click of heels echoed through the entrance of the cave. "Hello, Jeff." The voice was enough for me to know who

it was.

I turned around to face Jane. She had a smile on her face, looking at me and Seren. She was still holding her stomach and cursing loudly.

"Aw, is someone hurting?" Jane raised her hand as a signal of some sort. I panicked as three demons grabbed me. They were too strong.

"Jeff!" Serenity screamed.

I tried to fight back. Liu stood laughing in my face. Anger built up once again. I thought Hell was a great place but now, I knew the truth. No one to call for help, no one to get us out.

"I'm sure watching her suffer will make you regret everything that you did," Liu growled. He went up to her, kneeling down beside her, the gun still in his hand.

"Get away from me... Please... It hurts so much..." Tears flooded her face, causing a tear to fall down mine.

Liu frowned and pretended to feel sympathy. "It's Hell. Nothing relieves you of your pain. You're just going to have to wait until it decides to be born..."

Serenity thrashed her arms as Liu tied her up again. "I don't want a child! GET IT OUT OF ME!!!"

The insane torturer slapped her in the face. "If I get it out if you, then that means I have to cut you open yes?"

Seren's eyes widened. She wasn't thinking. All she wanted to do was get the unborn baby out of her. If he cut her open, she would possibly die.

"No! Seren! No! Just fight it!"

Liu turned to me.

"I can't, Jeff!" she yelled.

"Yes you can!" I encouraged.

Jane played with her fingers, inspecting her black nails as she watched everything. The demons had tied me up, restraining me from Liu, Jane and Serenity.

"Let me go!!" I screamed.

"Why should we let you go, Jeffrey?"

A familiar voice entered my ears. It was from a woman. The voice I had heard so many years ago...

I stood in pain and sorrow as the woman entered. Then a wave of horror and anger.

A woman with black hair, just like Jane's and about Seren's height entered the cave. It was her best friend, Trish.

Another woman about 30 years older than us followed behind.

Tears filled my eyes as I saw who the older woman was.


The painful tears came streaming down as she approached. "Mom... Mom.. Oh my god... I missed you so..."

Her face was emotionless, showing no happiness or sorrow.

"Help me, please..." I began to sob as she lay a hand on my face.

"Oh, Jeff. I wish I could feel the same way."

I looked up at her.

"What do you mean?"

Silence filled the cave. Serenity's screams was the only thing that could be heard.

"When I passed, I was given another life... As for your brother-"


Shock filled her face. "Well, I'm afraid to say I'm not your mother."

"You are my mother! Liu did this to us! Please, mom! Don't you remember us?"

"I remember you as the sweet boy I once knew, but now, you're an insane psychopath!" Her face now held one emotion: Anger.

"You were so innocent, so sweet, the best boy in the whole wide world... My son... But you threw that all away. You took the wrong path, Jeff."

My heart stopped as she pulled out a gun and put it to my head.

"And now, it's time for you to go to sleep."


Sorry if I took things too fast but I want to get all my ideas in before the big surprise! :D And I also apologize if the story is becoming too long. :( I have a lot of ideas and it may take a few chapters. But thanks for your support. It means a lot ^.^

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